
Is the reward that bad?

1m QP, 3 Blazes, some 2 stars Fou and 3 Quartz for 35000 combined shares and likes. The amount kinda small to me

Asked by PeranK5 years 8 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

This seems like the sort of thing for reddit. Anyway, I do think the amount is pretty small, but I think it's important to consider it within the context of how much other (specifically non-JP) servers get. Right now I don't know where to find that information, or if any accurate comparison even exists.

JP will probably always be the most generous server, and while I'd like for NA to have the same rewards as them, I can absolutely see why it'd be unfair on them if we did. That said, I have heard unsavoury things about NA getting the least amount of anniversary free quartz out of all servers, which is troubling if true.


Our anniversary event was delayed by two weeks and we ended up getting 20 less SQ than every other server (none of which had any sort of delay)


Well, yeah. Delayed to coincide with AX and so that Camelot could be released first and Ozy could be in the paid gacha. Can't say I really minded the delay, but I also heard the actual event at AX was mismanaged somehow. Idk


Oh yeah the event was a shitshow. There aren't many good things to say about NA's anniversary


Yeah, that really sucks. I still don't know how I feel about NA. I get that it wouldn't be fair on JP players if NA got the same number of quartz, but whenever we don't get the same rewards as even the other non-JP servers, it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The consistent lack of explanation for this doesn't help either. Honestly though, what I'm most worried about is what's going to happen to this server if/when the game finishes in JP.

EDIT: At least we aren't Korea.....


May this game's life be long, if not, eternal. As long as there be whales, I believe there will be a game.


Maybe the amount we get is low but in terms of how hard it is nope. People see that big number and assume its ridiculous to get that many. They don't consider the fact that about 170,000 people follow the the official Facebook account. That is a very small percent of people who actually have to like the post. Also considering the fact that it is Twitter included is a whole other story. People just jump on the complain wagon and ride it.

One thing I will say is that maybe they could be a bit more generous with rewards, but in no way is the amount they ask for a crazy amount. Personally I have played both JP and NA, and I love them both. I'm content with the way NA is.


Fair enough. My problem isn't really with how difficult the freebies are to get though, more just with how little of it is offered. I've seen that post on their fb page though and some of the complaints on it were ridiculous.


I can understand that argument. I do think to some degree we could get more. One can only hope that maybe they will up the rewards soon but I personally am not concerned. The comments are sometimes just too much. I can understand frustration with being F2P and maybe rolling and not having the quartz to roll again, but how I see it limited servants are limited for a reason. If you were able to conveniently roll and get everything you wanted it would be pointless.


Yeah agreed on that. Tbh I think most of the frustration comes from the fact that we know what other servers are getting, and every time NA doesn't get as many rewards people riot, but it seems we forget about things like our pacing, which imo is pretty good, and all the QOL updates that we got earlier.


by Neil 5 years 9 months ago

NA and JP are just completely different markets. In Japan they don't really have to try to get a buzz going for the game but here there's only so many otaku and an even smaller percentage of those otaku have even heard of the Nasuverse or play fgo. Even so, it wouldn't take much to really promote the game. Considering how slow the game is to get picked up by most, dw could absolutely give away more quartz (like say a 10 pull or 12 quartz instead of 3) to incentivize players to stay more and roll more thus incentivizing them to buy more. JP also does a lot more feedback on events and qol changes that can be applied where NA is kinda like a backwater where we just get a product without too much feedback or adjustment. The less amounts of quartz that ways feel a bit meh.
