
Draw for Jack or Tamamo?

Ok.. Me have huge dilema i know in valentine both of them (usefull to me) have rate up(with nerobride) Ihave atlia scathach and tesla. Who should i try get 1st? Should i get tamamo (waifu) for survival challange in future and spam NP or jack to increase my team damage(with her star).
Also did merlin make quick card NP unuseable aka better use buster np servant than quick?

Asked by Iusteus6 years 4 months ago


Well, I can only tell you about Jack, only her I have from this two. She is true definition of word "monster". She has nice damage, great stars and NP generation. She is in my team always, except times when I have to fight against casters, but even then I'm still thinking is it good to have her out of my team.


Tamamo no Mae is too good of a unit for an Arts team to pass up. If you're serious about making an arts team get her. Star generation can be made up with copies of "Fragments of 2030".

Jack is a very good assassin though since she will slaughter female berserkers and riders so she isn't irrelevant either unlike the majority of quick based servants and her star generation cannot be understated.

I'm leaning more towards Tamamo since if all you're looking for is a star generator then there are other options available that won't require you to potentially break your bank account (Cursed Arm Hassan is terrific at generating stars and has a 3 hit evasion skill not unlike any of the Cu Chulainns so his durability is amazing for a 2 star servant) but there's nothing wrong with being a mommy to Jack if you decide to roll for her.


just to amend FoolishPenguin, Jack will slaughter any female so long as they aren't caster. Both answers are right though, if you are going to have a serious art based team, you can't really do better than Tamamo. Jack does become obsolete late game due to quick cards not being the most efficient choice, but Jack is the best at what she does and shes fairly...well very...self sufficient. She can stand all on her own. (see Jack solo ibaraki during the ibaraki event). Also to clarify something: Quick is NOT useless. Yes, merlin makes it so quick is out classed, HOWEVER that doesn't make them bad, not by a long shot. Quick teams are still fun and viable. The difference more or less works out to if you care you took on average 2 turns longer to clear something or not. Meaning, quick works, its just sub optimal. So really now, its on your choices. Arts: you want tamamo. If you want a strong and reliable self-sufficient servant, Jack is good to go and will serve you well. Ultimately though, game is still at a point where you can be fine with either or and will do well with either. If you want a strong opinion: I'd go for tamamo simply because we are going to get shiki soon, and assassin shiki and tamamo are all kinds of lulzy. Oddly enough jack works well with shiki as well. huh. I guess both is good.


Oh I forgot all about the second part of that question oops. Time to fix that.

Now as broken as Merlin is with his kit, the reason why Quick based teams are seen as inferior to both Buster and Arts teams is that for the longest time they didn't have the servant equivalent of either Merlin or Tamamo until Halloween 2017 arrived and introduced Osakabe-hime.

Osakabe-hime is a step in the right direction for the quintessential quick team support but the healing, np charging and dedicated card buff isn't as powerful as either Merlin or Tamamo's.

She also lacks a critical buff. Tamamo lacks one as well but she makes up for it with her np reducing skill cooldown by 1 whereas Osakabe-hime doesn't have anything to make her as powerful a support (Seriously though you would THINK that the devs would give her an ability to give a critical buff of all things)

That being said, she's isn't horrible and there is potential for her to become the support member quick teams sorely need to be on par with at least arts (I don't think DW will make any servant as broken as Merlin for some time now). And even if she doesn't get tweaked to be more useful, quick teams are still usable with enough expertise.


Tamamo is very good if you have an Arts based servant, she works well with budget servants such as Robin hood and Euryale who have Arts NPs. Without an arts based team she is still good but wastes a lot of her utility. She is still the best arts support in JP.

Jack is an amazing assassin, she creates crit stars en mass and then with those crit stars can also deal very good damage. When she crits she gets her NP up which deals insane damage to female enemies. Jack is good because crit stars are useful for the whole team and she also works very well on her own. I've heard people say she is still one of the best assassins on JP.
