
Any methods in saving and obtaining quartz?

I am in desperate need of quartz... i spent all my quartz-230 of them in the jalter banner...with no luck.. i regret everything lol (specially because im F2P) Also, what are ways you stop yourself from rolling like crazy? I need to know of ways I can keep myself from rolling .. for next time

Asked by Kuro_Kitsune5 years 6 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 7 months ago

First of all ooof.

Second, how did you manage to save 230 quartz in the first place? Just do that again lol

In all seriousness, back when I was strict with my saving, I would literally spend only tickets, fully expecting not to get anything since I knew I had so few of them. I wouldn't even touch quartz. If I rolled all my tickets and got nothing I would move on. I find that the longer you do that, the easier it gets.

Of course, once I did start spending quartz, I went through the almost 500 that I saved on just 2 banners lol. That's why you just don't spend any at all until the right banner comes along. Everything else is bait.

As for obtaining quartz, have you done all the strengthening quests available to you yet? I used all the exp I got from nerofest to max ascend a bunch of low star servants I never use just to do their rank-up quests. There'll probably be an interlude/rank-up half AP thing at some point, but idk when.


im going to start over from scratch lol luckily I should be receiving 2 quartz today from login bonus and in a few days 20 quartz from the every 50 days login and begin to continue saving my weekly quartz onwards (I wanted to save till SE.RA.PH. event but temptation got the best of me) thanks for the advice:D and I'll also try to do the strengthening quests and interludes as well


by afwcal 5 years 7 months ago

The start is always the hardest, because the feeling of rolling the gacha is fresh in your mind. Once you haven't rolled the gacha for 6 or so months, it just isn't part of your FGO gameplay anymore.

To keep myself preoccupied, I set myself goals in the game. My first goal was to max ascend my favourite Servants. When I achieved that, I moved onto max ascending all my Servants. And now, I'm looking to 10/10/10 my favourite Servants.

If you're on 0AP and looking to procrastinate on FGO further, search what materials your Servants need to ascend or skill level, and look ahead on future events to see what materials they'll give. That way, you're not arbitrarily working towards a goal you don't know when it'll be completed.

(Shameless plug for a sheet I made that summarises event shop materials you'll get from future events:

I can tell you right now that to 10/10/10 Emiya, Sakata Kintoki and Merlin (if I get him) by the end of the year, I'll need to farm 15 horseshoes and 6 pages. Having a goal with a clear completion date helps keep you focused and on track.

...And that's my personal strategy in detail. Currently, I'm sitting on 576SQ and 18 tickets, been saving since JAlter's last banner. Prior to that, my big save was for the first Waver rate-up, where I threw 492SQ and 69 tickets at him, and didn't get him.

Lengthy read, but hope you got something out of it!


I sure did :D speaking of max skill leveling, I'll need to max out some of my servants and ascend them as well..even though I didn't get jalter I did get some good servants out of that banner and right now im going to get started on not only saving my quartz and tickets, but also trying to max out as much servants as possible

P.S also, is it possible for me to do the 2018 halloween event without any quartz? Like I said earlier i have 0 :3 i can try to get the 3* ce for the event but rn I don't think I see myself rolling on any banner...


Wait, did you just say you max ascended every servant in your Chaldea? How?????


Play long enough and always clear event shops of ascension material and prioritize ascension over skills and it happens naturally. Even being F2P I am rarely stuck on ascension based on material shortage (unless I roll Tristan AFTER I spent all my nero fest medals on saberlot's skills...)
