
Team Composition Help / Build

Hello! I'm kinda newish to the game, and Im not following the meta that close, that said I want some help with what kind of comps I could run with my servants, I'll list those with higher levels:
Minamoto no Raiko
Cu Prototype
Marie Antoniette
Mordred (Rider)
Scathach (Assassin)
I have all servants that are rank 1-2 and the majority of rank 3.
I usually get a Zhuge Liang as support and keep Mash and Minamoto at the frontline, I have the CE that gives Burster Crit and NP start with 50% to Minamoto, so I just keep spamming her NP and Crits.
But I feel once she's dead I pretty much lose if Cú and Emya cant make a miracle.
Thanks in advance!

Asked by Mekanss5 years 10 months ago


by Neil 5 years 10 months ago

You have the right idea for a basic comp with one dps and two supports, one defensive the other the best support in the game. And realistically raikou is top tier because other than average survivability as a berserker (cu alter and herc have her beat at that) she is self sufficient for everything else. But she can't carry you through fights because of that inability to survive long.

Your primary problem can be mitigated somewhat by swapping mash or waver for another dps with class advantage. You'd sacrifice the instant raikou np if you do that but raikou actually has pretty solid np gain anyway having two arts cards in her deck.

Also FSN Cu is arguably the better backliner over Cu proto due to his sheer survivability. If you can somehow get him as your last servant in the backline, he can survive and carry you through a few fights despite average damage output. Additionally, if you really want to rely on raikou it doesn't hurt to stack more taunters like Leonidas and the best taunter, Georgios. Between those two and mash you would save your raikou quite a few hits and could use your stealth and the mystic code stealth to keep her alive through AOE nps.

As for viable comps, level a Hans as a support as he is the second or third best support out in the game right now and collect and level a few more pieces in each class.

Tldr: for now if you want to focus on raikou as the main dps, stack taunters to reduce the hits she takes. If you want a reinforced backline, level and develop an FSN Cu. And really just level a dps in each class if possible so you can play class advantage as much as possible


A good way to start is looking at the tier lists and reading the full write-ups on the servants you have that are in the tier 1 and tier 2 spots for 4 stars and 1-3 star servants. That way you can see for yourself what those servants are good at. It helps to have an army of servants over relying on one or two strong ones. For example the taunter strat doesn't work at all against AOE enemies like demon pillars and having 5 strong levelled servants helps more there (max ascension and levelling plays a far stronger role than comp synergy till Camelot anyway)


Wow didnt except an answer so soon, thanks dude!
I have a FsN Cú but he's level 1, however i got him NP 5, so I think I'll try to level him, leonidas and hans up.
I'm really grateful! Thanks!


We've all been there haha. I really can't recommend reading the servant guides here off the tier lists enough haha. Another good option would be rabbit's reviews for more detailed servant analysis.


moedred-mozart-tamamo no mae and enjoy.
