
What team comp can i make out of these servants?


Asked by CelestialM.5 years 10 months ago


I honestly think you should get more pieces before worrying about that. A new player perhaps? This is your first rolls?
Well anyway I don't think you should have problems with team comps right now since supports are going to carry you, but just generally to answer you question since you asked.
First thing to do is burn Mephistopheles. He's weak, terrible skills and an AOE caster (NP affects the whole enemy party) so he isn't that useful.
Diarmuid is nice due to debuff removal on NP, but frankly I won't invest on him and wait for Cu for a better option. Since he doesn't hit hard, has weak survivability, and his NP gain is terrible for a lancer, so simply wait for Cu.
So I'd do a team comp that runs these three: Medea, Kiyohime, and Carmilla.
Honestly the ones you would usually run is a Kiyohime Carmilla and Mash team comp generally, but in early levels I'd run a borrowed waver (Zhuge Liang caster) and use Kiyohime and Mash with Waver and Mash keeping Kiyo alive, and run a party with Mash and a borrowed waver with Carmilla for boss killing no matter what it is just like what I've done when I was a noob.
I'd stay from Medea right now until you get higher NP levels for her since she's a debuff remover and wouldn't be that important until late game, but when you run in an assassin boss I'd run her just to help for it so level her on a second priority.
That's all I could say. I suggest also asking for friends in the site if you plan to keep playing.


Also agree, I don't think what you pulled could be considered anything close to a complete comp, but just keep this in mind:

Carmilla - good quick servant that will generate a lot of stars for your DPS. Her spammable NP is also a plus since it offers her a heal and she'll be able to stay on the field a lot longer. Her kit provides nice utility.

Kiyohime - Great solo target servant (disregarding her NP) thanks to her class. She can incapacitate a lot of threats early on thanks to her buster deck. Her NP will help you clear hands for farming which is why i'd suggest leveling her first (You'll be able to farm exp efficiently for other servants you roll).

Medea - She's frankly weak due to her damage modifier but her innate ability to constantly have her NP charged at a whim is great for nuking grunts only 1-2 turns in.

Diarmuid - I'd say he's more of a placeholder lancer. Paired with Medea & Mash, he can pull off more arts chains than expected. He works great with Medea thanks to the effects of both of their NPs. His skillset isn't bad whatsoever, but there are plenty of other great lancers out there.

Mashu - She will be the cornerstone of every comp you can use right now (considering the servants at your disposal). Her skillset is absolutely essential in keeping your servants alive and will surely help you hold out longer during intense fights. She'll be apparent throughout majority of the campaign until you can manage to get a better comp.

Mephistopheles - Don't bother
My best advice would be to stray away from using your friends' support servants as much as possible (unless you REALLY need to) since friend-point gains from using a NPC are SIGNIFICANTLY higher than using a friend's in the story. You'll be able to roll more CEs, Servants, and EXP cards from the friend-point gacha this way which will remedy your comp issues. If you cannot complete a node in the story using an NPC, that means your servants are in need for strengthening (this will become apparent in Okeanos if you're just rushing through the story).


by Earuru 5 years 10 months ago

Yeah, if you need some support servants to carry you through Camelot, I can lend you mine.

IGN is same as my username here lol

Just note that I remove friends after 7 days of inactivity.
