
NP/Skill Effect question

Bit of a dumb question, but here I am wondering if "Ignores Defence" can go through Invulnerability or does it really have to be "Invulnerability Pierce"?

Summer Event just about to end but I already set my sights for the next Summer. Really missing a ST lancer in my Chaldea, what with Shishou still a no show... Going to NP5 the heck out of Raikou Lancer though, whatever the answer may be.

Asked by Savris5 years 10 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 10 months ago

No, it doesn't work against invincibility. It just doesn't take defence buffs into account.


This isn't entirely correct, as you will find out during the upcoming Nero Fest. A defense ignore effect on NPs like Raikou (Lancer), Kintoki or Emiya simply ignore an up to 100% defense buff.

But what if the enemy was buffed *more* than 100%? These are rare occurences, but do happen.

In that case, the NP's damage will still be reduced and the player should find more ways to boost their damage or reduce the enemy's defense.


Oh man, didn't realise enemy buffs could stack that high :(


This isn't entirely correct either haha, (not to bm or anything >.>)

I'm positive that all defense ignoring NPs void all defensive buffs even if they reach well over 100%. They did have that in the patch notes last year during Nerofest where def-ignoring NPs (UmU, Liz, Emiya, Jack) weren't doing proper/full damage to enemies with said buffs.

To the OP:

Invulnerability and Evade are not defensive buffs since they do not affect that baseline defensive stat (0 def + invincibility = 0 def); therefore, they are unaffected by skills or NPs that ignore defense. If a Li-Shuwen uses his Juezhao-B (pierce), an enemy will still take significantly less damage (from basic attacks/his NP) with defensive buffs applied.

If ignore-def is applied on an enemy with invincibility, they will not take any damage. This is apparent with meme teams that include Asterios that can consistently stack DEF debuffs on enemies that can reach well over ~75-150% def negation with a proper setup. Invincibility and evade will always nullify any incoming damage despite having a negative defensive value.



by Savris 5 years 10 months ago

Hey I learned alot! Thanks for the replys guys!
