
Mama VS Jalter - Fight!

Ok, so here is a deal.
I have full maxed Mama (100 lvl, 10/10/10). My main party with her is Mama/Waver/Tamalancer. Yeah, i know, Tamalancer seems to be a strange choise, but she have good buster chain potential for Mama, and can provide good amount of stars. With full buffs Mama have no problem to go 200k dmg and even further. BUT! Once in a while Mama can die freaking fast even with Waver buffs. So, in a future of FGO is it gonna be even more hard for Mama to survive? I know about memeMerlin, but is it gonna be enough for
Berserker? So a main question - If Jalter worth rolling as buster-crit servant even if i have maxed Mama? I think Jalter will do less dmg, but can stay alive much longer. And im not f2p and wanna use supports only as last team member (yeah its much more fun for me to use supports as less as possible), so pls, without answers like "whatever dude use supports".

Asked by SoulOfCanaaN5 years 10 months ago


Yeah Jalter damage will be slightly worse overall but she doesn't die from a stray crit and can more reliably charge her NP without the use of CEs. At the same time, she doesn't have an AoE NP and can't clear waves the way Raikou does. It's not a question of which one is better, you choose the best tool for the job you're doing.


Well just looking at the jp tier lists over time Raikou is above Jalter almost always with Raikou being S tier at the moment while Jalter is A+ before that Raikou was 8.5+ and Jalter was 8.5 and they're currently strongly considering moving Raikou to A+ and Jalter to A tier. So long story short Raikou does fine in high difficulty.


Yeah basically what the other two said. Raikou is good enough for high difficulty, especially when the boss comes with pesky adds that raikou can just delete with her NP.
Jalter, however, does have slightly better survivability, and her NPBB chains will deal more damage than Raikou's after using all of their respective buffs.
Jalter does out-perform raikou in high difficulty, but seeing as you can beat even the hardest quests with naught but silver servants, that's not really a big problem. If you like Jalter and think she's a cool servant, absolutely roll. She'll do you well. But there's no need to blow your quartz if you only want her for gameplay purposes. Save up for someone you really love.


Any berserker without proper support (except cu alter and herc) will die very easily. Their hp pool is essentially cut in half. The key is finding the right supports to not only keep her alive but boost her damage potential. That's servants like Leonidas or Mash post Camelot. And of course Memelin.
