
between buster critfest and arts spamfest comps?

I have already vlad np1 max stats and squirtoria going in the same path, but im strugling on getting further in story ( im stuck on the artoria lancer final stage of camelot) and i did a bit research on babilonia and i think maybe i should aim for a buster critfest now. I already have lancelot and im saving up for merlin at the end of the year. Is it wise to do so or should i focus on arts team?

Asked by olavo2225 years 9 months ago


Merlin is still compatible with Art team. Yes, indeed his 3rd skill will not such OP. But because Merlin is a combo of OPs, losing just one advantage is just a piece of cake for him.

A specific example is Vlad+Tamamo+Merlin. Tamamo and Merlin equipped with 4060 then you will discover a new continent since Merlin+Tamamo comb Critical Art = advanced engine for Art team.
Oh BTW there are true meme of Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine (maybe the best Aeroplane Engine in WW2, saved Great Britain in 1940) and Merlin Engine for SpaceX.

Squirtoria is the same. NP gain from critical Art card will be doubled. So this Art critical is not bad than Buster, NP-A cycle will be more efficient.

Art team is still strong if you have decent servants. No Tamamo, no Art team. You dont have to abandon the building of Art team if you want to change your focus to Buster oriented team. Also like my opinion, Merlin is still good in Art team.

If you specifically want to roll some Buster-oriented servants. Musashi, Grampa, Rin, Gil, Enkidu, Quet are recommended, and their banner are almost same as Merlin (This November-next Spring).


So instead of doing a spam arts team, should i go for a critical one?(sry for my English, not practising it for o good time). For that i also have chloe np 5 from last event, wich can crit for a lot and i think she deals more dmg than my artoria


Well, actually there are different types of Art team. But normally critical Art team generally = Art spam because critical star can double the NP gain (both Quick and Art).
For instance, Tamamo's AAA Art brave chain will receive 20+31.54 NP again, but if all her Art card was in critical, she will have 20+59.23 NP.

However we need to consider the star adsorption. Therefore critical Art team is also different for Vald or Squatoria due to their distinct star adsorption.
For Squatoria with high star adsortion, I can consider critical art = NP spam for her because it is a combo of Art-buff and critical then her Art card will receive amazing NP gain, [her] NP-x-A brave chain spam and became more efficient to slash sabers in few rounds.
Vlad has low NP gain cannot spam his NP normally, and he wont adsorb many stars, so Tamamo's NP is the engine for this Art team then it is a [team] Art cards-NPs-skills spam.
If Merlin applied in this Art team and combo with Tamamo, you don't even consider "are there enough stars for Critical Art?" Because of Merlin's NP is capable to have snowball effect, especially dual Merlin or paired with Tamamo. So no matter what way, Merlin first.

And Squatoria versus NP5 Kuro, depends. NP2 Archuria > NP5 Kuro, that is what I can dare to say.


Ok, thanks for advice.I will then think on a critical arts team, and maybe pair my current servants with tamano, merlin and maybe try to get gil caster for further dmg and support to back up if my vlad or archturia falls down. If i get lucky enough to get musashi or ishtar on a lucky ticket roll i will start thinking on the buster line up for certain events.
My only doubts are the lack of certain types of servants i wished i could get, like ryougi shiki. Will there be the garden of sinners event any soon? I know some events do rerun, like the fate accel zero, but i dont know about the others.
