
GSSR Question

I know that during Thanksgiving or new years a GSSR is coming and I wanted to ask opinions on which banner I should roll for. I know the 5 stars are the nonlimited ones. I currently have tamo (caster), tamo (lancer) as my 5 stars and some noticeable 4 stars would be chole, gwain, nero, helena, herc, lancelot (berserker), and lancer kiyo. I am leaning towards caster banner because a waver or sanzang would be awesome, but I am afraid of getting a tamo np2 since it doesn't seem worth it for me since any other banner would get a new 5 star guaranteed. I started playing during the summer event so I am somewhat new. Any suggestion on what banner I should roll for when the GSSR comes out from a gameplay perspective.

Asked by FateMan5 years 8 months ago


I recommend you to roll for what you "Lack"
In my case, I do not own ssr Rider and Berserker.
I wanted to roll in the Caster gacha longing for Tamamo, but I already have a Sanzang np2... :p

I would go Berserker if I were you.
Cu does not require support.
Vlad requires Tamamo to shine as tier 1.
Nightingale is both healer and supports Buster servants.

Just what I think you should do.

Good luck.


by kire 5 years 8 months ago

While I would suggest everyone to roll for Cu Alter :-) you already have Herc. He fulfills a similar role and is very good at it so you could skip the beserker banner.

I would not recommend the caster banner because the chance is so high to be disappointed by it. A decently leveled Helena, who you already have, can be like a budget Waver, so you could skip that one as well...

If I were you I'd go for the rider or assassin+extra banner. You don't have any of those classes it seems, and the servants in the banner are all great except for Medb.

However, I expect the next GSSR will come in January so a lot can still happen until then.
