
Nursery Rhyme or Hans

So I pulled nursery rhyme off a 10 roll gatcha, but I’m already using Hans as a primary caster. Is nursery worth lvling up now or should I finish maxing Hans first?

Asked by RQwdf_5 years 3 months ago


The two serve two different roles in a fight. Hans is nearly pure support while Nursery is built to be an Arts-crit wave clearer. If you don't have an AoE Caster yet, then go ahead and level her up. If you do (like Gil Cas or Helena) then she can probably wait until later.


They have completely different roles. Hans is a generalist support, who benefits crit units the most.
Nursery, on the other hand, is an arts crit DPS, so she pairs really well with Hans.

If you're short on resources, finish with Hans first, since he can fit in pretty much any team composition.
Worth noting his last 10 levels barely add any stats, so you can skip his final ascension for a while.


Thanks for the heads up! I was going to his 4th ascension, but I’ll work on nursery instead then


Actually, you may still want to consider getting his 4th ascension and maxing out the last ten levels. While it doesn't add much, his low rarity means he has a low HP pool as well. And since his 3rd skill lowers his defense, every little bit of HP helps.


Nursery Rhyme is an arts crit servant, Hans is a support servant. They actually compliment each other quite well, with Hans supplying crit stars for NR to use. Great way to tackle waves of assassin enemies.


by tg345 5 years 3 months ago

Just to make an addition to what has been stated by others:

Nurse can also play pretty well in arts stall teams. She has an NP battery that also has a health boost & debuff remover, a defense boost and her NP has a chance to drain. I don't think anyone would single her out as a must have for stalls but sometimes you have to make do with what you have.
