
Am I Ready For Camelot?

Title is the question. I have been stalling for a while and wasn't sure if I should grind ascension mats/skill mats or if this get up is good.

Chloe level 94 5/10/5
Mordred level 90 5/3/4
Waver level 90 2/4/6
Leonidas level 80 5/4/8
Zerkerlot level 80 2/5/2
Helana level 70 7/4/2
Arash level 60 1/1/10 (farmer obviously)
Jack level 60 3/1/x
Mash level 60 10/10/8
Mozart level 60 5/1/1

Notably I have Stheno and Tamamo I've yet to level but I've avoided doing so for the very reason I need enough bones as is for Leonidas to get to 10/10/10 and I have numerous support Tamamo I can use for the time being.

Notable CE: level 45 mlb Joint Recital, level 22/60 Chaldea Lifesavers, Necromancy, level 20/20 Another Ending, 40/40 Formal Craft, 20/20 Ideal Holy King, 1/20 Origin Bullet, MLB Golden Millennium Tree, MLB Divine Banquet, MLB Howl at the Moon, 3x Copies of Sakura 60% NP CE

Asked by Waver43215 years 8 months ago


Probably. If you have a leveled up euryale it would be even easier. Just look up some guides for the boss battles and you should be fine


I guess you can, look, I beat all Camelot quests except COFCOFBigBoobSaberCOFCOF, Rhongomyniad (Bring an Okita and fine).

With this Team =
Gilgamesh 10/8/5 Lv 100 Fou atk/def 1000, Hans Lv 55 8/8/10 and Waver 10/10/10 (Support), and a Buffer Ceasar Lv 50 10/5/6 (Yes I use Ceasar + Combat Suit).

So if I with Gilgamesh + Support Beat, I'm shure you can.


by Haagen 5 years 8 months ago

I found stheno quite useful in this singularity so might be worth


Yes, you are ready for it. Good job raising some low star there, they never be a burden.
Just always bring some tank when doing blind run quest in Camelot.

I have cleared Camelot several times and some reset to rekill some Boss for training.
Restricting myself just to use 1-3 star (lvl 60-70-80) for challenge in the second Camelot run and can clear it pretty smoothly.

I also have some regret destroying Camelot with Gilgamesh+Waver+Hans/Helena in my first Camelot clear.
Want Camelot easy mode? Borrow friends Raikou, Jalter and Gilgamesh you can pretty much steamroll everything there.
For normal gameplay and blind run use class advantage with the exception of 3 monster servant mentioned above.


you can solo almost entire Camelot with a Hercules with Bond Ce.


Amun Ra forced me to use my command seal since I had Lancelot as my main damage dealer and Leonidas as my tank did not help at all
