
Future Servants

So there are a lot of 5 star servants that I’m looking forward to (probably the same with a lot of people). But what is a go to servant that I should try to roll for? Or a servant that you’d personally go for (even a 4 star).

For example - Kiara, Summer Nero, Salter Rider are all servants that I’m looking forward to the most.

Are these servants worth using all my SQ and tickets for? I noticed that Salter Rider doesn’t get a whole lot of recognition. I was thinking of going for her mainly rather than the other two.

Edit: I also have every class covered for a 5 star so far. So I don’t necessarily “need” another rider or caster. Though, I am missing an avenger class.

Asked by Electric5 years 3 months ago


Salter Rider is a bit of a vanilla servant while also suffering from the issue of being a quick-oriented servant in a buster meta. She's not bad but she doesn't do anything good either. (Except being cute) Kiara's another one that's not bad but not spectacular either. But a 5-star is a 5-star and neither of these servants are low-tier.

Summer Nero is one of the best casters to date. Definitely worth getting her. It's often said that DPS casters aren't very good due to their low damage modifier but Nero is an exception to that rule. High attack and skills that more than compensate for that low damage mod.


Doing a google search, Maid Alter seems to have a few problems especially due to her NP gain:

Maybe that is why there isn’t much being said? It’s surprising as Santa alter is pretty good...


by Ding0 5 years 3 months ago

I'm personally saving up for NP2 Musashi and Tomoe. Other than Chloe I have no other gold Archer and since I'm already going for my second copy of Musashi, Tomoe is an obvious choice for me.

As for your choices. Summer Nero is definitely worth the quartz if you really want her. IMO Summer Salter isn't a great servant especially if you compare her to her competitors as a single target rider like Ozy or Quetz, being Quick doesn't help either. I don't have much knowledge/opinion on Kiara.


by Attis 5 years 3 months ago

I'm excited for Kiara and Alter Rider (Need me a 5* rider), for sure, but also Holmes, Osakabehime, Hijikata Toshizo, Abigail Freakin' Williams and Ereshkigal.

Kiara and Alter Rider are definitely worth the quartz, Kiara's Alter Ego advantage and skills seem pretty beastly and Alter Rider seems like perfect quick support for MHXA, but also a tank on her own:

That said, Welfare Ishtar and BB deserve honorable mention for fulfilling similar roles, and being free!

Edit: Ouch, just checked Salter riders skill materials, requires much the same as MHXA (90 Knight Medals...) and I wasn't even able to make her skills 5/4/5. So, I wouldn't even be able to make Salter Rider work very well if I did manage to pull her...


by Fabris 5 years 3 months ago

Excited for Okita (extra bonus that I only have Chloe as golden archer, Emiya and Nobunaga are a must), Kiara (if I get Emiya Alter even better, he looks like sort of better Chloe, and is Archer), Holmes (arts crit is my personal meta, extra classes is allways nice), Tomoe (waifu reasons, and an Archer, if Musashi appears, ok) and Hokusai (after so much reflection, I decided to choose her over Abigail, bad cooldowns being the deciding factor).

Summer Nero is the best AOE Caster of the game,, good luck with her, I would recomend to focus most of your quarts on her.


i personally dont think emiya alter is even close to chloe... the only thing he have over her is a highter np damage, if you wait for the interlude, max 2 of his skill and bring him to np5....


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

I'll just restate my strategy--I'm only going to try hard to get support servants, Skadi being the most important. I don't have Tamamo, so I'd like to get her too, Helena to a lesser degree.

I think this is the most effective strategy for gameplay reasons. Having your own supports means you are free to choose DPS from your friends, where you can find almost anything. There's just too many good servants, and too many servants that really fit certain niches, that unless you're going to buy SQ (I'm not, except for GSSRs), you can't really afford to get many at an average of 300 SQ each (or about 428 SQ if you're looking to get specific rate up servants).


Excited for no one since I'm F2p. I guess Summer Nobu that it. My current sq is 736...300 Sq more to go til I reach a 1000. A F2p saved up to 2000. Hey, if u have no hope in the first place it easy to ignore all the banners. Also, currently holding 102 tickets.
