
How many special exchange ticket do I need?

I was farming the christmas event and got a special exchange ticket but do I only need 1 ticket to exchange it for altria pendragon(santa alter)?

Asked by Raios_145 years 5 months ago


4 for np5 santa


If you do not clear the event lottery at least 4 times, which results in all 4 necessary tickets to evolve her to NP5, Santa-sama will be very unhappy. You have seen what happens when she is unhappy...

Your final ticket will be the reward for clearing the final quest.

You want to prioritize getting both her chicken buckets and her tickets. If you run out of time, make sure you get her chicken buckets. That is the only way to ascend her to 80. Otherwise, she will be forever stuck at 40 and that will depress her. NP1 at 80 is more powerful than NP5 at 40.

This event is extremely good. It is worth burning some quartz to clear it.


You only need one to unlock her, but you'll need to get the other 3 tickets from the lottery + the one you get from clearing the main quests if you want to get her to NP5. You need to clear the event before you can exchange your ticket for Santa Alter, which will only be made possible on the very last day of the event, when the last main quest unlocks. Until then, keep farming..
