
Recommended team with these servants?

Hi! I just started the game a few months ago (when the Accel Zero event started), but I only got a few useful 4-5* servants (my only SSR is Nightingale), so I don't know how to build a good team with these few characters. My usual team is a pretty risky Berserker Buster focused team mainly with Flo and Heracles, with subs like Kerry (he is on NP3, because I got him 3 times in a row on his banner event...), Elisa (NP1), Kintoki Rider (NP5), or Hans (NP5). There is an NP2 Fionn and a low level Tamamo Cat too, but I rarely use them. So, my question is: Can someone give me some team ideas besides my current one? (because I'm pretty bored to use the same Berserker team after months...)

Asked by Hikarov5 years 10 months ago


You could run Hans with Hassan of Cursed Arm and Kintoki. Hassan will help Kintoki produce stars and not steal them since he has a lower absorption rate. Hans’ skills and NP will boost the Crit Damage of your team, especially Kintoki. You could also use Atalante in a similar team build.

Fran and TOM Cat are good for farming especially when you pair one with Nightengale. Since they both have demerits on their NP, using Nightengale’s after theirs will clear those out for you.

You can pair Robin with a Tamamo Caster from your friends list as he is able to easily spam his NP for heavy damage. With her targetable Arts boost and NP that recharges the rest of the teams gauge, Robin can make short work of tough enemies. Match them with Cu or Mash for survivability.

I would continue to never bother with Fion. He is one of the worst servants in the game. Liz is a good all purpose servant though. If you have the Chaldea Masters Uniform (forgive me if I named the wrong one. The uniform with the party switch skill) she is good to bring in right before you fire off your main attacks. She can give a party wide attack boost and lower the defense of an enemy. Her guys skill also lends her a bit of survivability if she gets caught out there or you want her to take a hit in place of another servant.

Those are just some suggestions that came to mind. Hope you find them useful!


by Haagen 5 years 10 months ago

Excluding your current buster team comp, you can also make a quick and arts team.
Mash and hans can fit in any team.
For arts, kerry and iri for the stars crits healing reunite and vanilla. Put in David for the charisma evade and cheating/ntr. You choose who is the main damage and use appropriate ce by class advantage. You can have a friend support waver tamamo for op OR damage archer artoria for the yamero. Just spam np.
For quick:
1. Main dps is kintoki or billy if vs sabers and assassins.
2. Atalante is a great quick support but i only recommend using her if you have kaleido or ce with at least 50% starting np. Otherwise fill with hans.
3. For star gen, kotarou or hassan. I actually recommend hassan as if you are using kintoki vs casters, you want sby who is more survivable. You also might not need either when using kintoki as he can produce stars himself. Which then you will use mash. However, billy WILL need them to crit well.
4. For hybrid, you have shishou and caesar. I recommend using class advantage/one you feel works best for you.
5. Use cu proto for the backline. Use hassan if vs sabers.
You should play around with it a bit and mix and match according to the enemy and personal pref. And again, mash and hans are great as kintoki does need protection and shishou and kotarou are weak vs casters. Also, try for tristan as he is the quick david.


Thanks, I think I'm gonna build a quick-focused team.
