
Which servants should I focus on?

With this being my line-up (and the only notable additions that don't appear there being a lvl 1 Marie Rider, Nursery Rhyme and Lancelot), which servants should I focus my attention on?
Edit: in case others like me can't see my screenshot, my main servants are:
SSR: Tamamo Lancer lvl 81
SR: Kintoki Rider 90 NP5, Heracles 90, Summer Anny/Mary 70, Li Shuwen 71, Tamamo Cat 70, Scathatch 36 NP5, Rider Marie, Nursery Rhyme, Lancelot Berserker 1
3* or lower: Kiyohime 70 Np5, Medea 60, Kouhai 60, Ushiwakamaru 55 NP5, Hans 55 NP5, Euryale 50 Np2, Kotarou 50 NP5, David 40 NP5, Cu Lancer 40, Hassqn of Serenity 30 Np2.

All are NP1 unless stated otherwise.

Asked by Kalotan5 years 10 months ago


Based on your preference. I see people just making them reach max ascensions and slowly levelling them up since skills make the servant, and some people who like me want max leveled servants. You're pretty much set for the event with high level female servants (level 60 in the least), and only needs to borrow from friends so I suggest going for nursery rhyme since she's going to have added damage to the event (this is inherent to her and not through CEs) then Lancelot. If you do find difficulty then raise your levels to max and see, but other than that...I have nothing more to say.


by Stiama 5 years 10 months ago

Level up Cu lancer to get servant that can tank for quite a while. Hans you should level up both level and skills as he will be your main buff support unless you are using Support Waver. Scathach i am guessing is assassin is a good choice to also level up seeing as you lack a good assassin at this point.


Yeah I had pretty terrible luck with sabers and assassins(hell I pulled my first decent-ish saber recently in Cezar on the last day of the summer event when I did a Hail Mary with my tickets to try and get at least one copy of Mordred, Kiyohime, Marie, Martha or Arturia)
