
When spend dust ?

I asked here a time ago, about powering up in dragonite. 'You' said that is better power up my dragonite 75% IV ( breath / claw ) than 93%IV ( steel / claw ). I did, dragonite is now 2800 and will be 3000 in a near future.

But now I saw this:

" Consider not powering-up a Pokémon unless it has 90% IV’s or higher. Stardust is too rare to spend elsewhere and a trainer may later regret spending this scare resource on lesser Pokémon. " OK, so is not worth it power up my dragonite 75% IV ?

Do you agree that is better not spend stardust in lvl 30+ pokemon ?

I never know when I should spend my dust. I dont know if I should spend dust in my joelton, because It is so weak. I dont know if i can spend dust in my Golduck 96% (gun/hydro), because it is rank 8 and have a lot of better pokemons.

Sorry for the size of the text and about my bad english. I need your help, if possible.

Asked by NauLxD7 years 6 months ago


no worry, thats a good Dragonite, can attack gyms effectively, worthy to power up
and Star dust is not a problem once you reach higher levels
i have my Gyrados power up from lv 1 too, don't really matter when it has the move set you want
Golduck is a strong pokemon, can do well in gyms battle, need to be skillful tho, Vaporeon still a better choice


Exactly about that. Better spend dust in golduck 96 rank A ( rating 8.0 ) or wait a better pokemon ?

It is about: spend or wait a better pokemon ( golduck vs future pokemon ).


CP is not always the higher the better. When upgrading a gym, getting a lower CP always gains more experience. (This is old version, we can only use 1 pokemon to upgrade. Don't know if also in new version.)
Usually I think dust should be used in the pokemons that you want them to defend a gym. The more CP the pokemon has, the more possibility it can defend the gym, and the less possibility it is punched out from the gym.
So if just playing very utilitarian, the dust should be used on the pokemons having good IV and defensive skills which could get very high CP, such as Dragonite, Snorlax, Lapras, Exeggutor, Vaporeon and Gyarados - they are very common in gym. And put them into gym to make more gold everyday. After you have enough pokemons to provide you golds, you can power up others just by fancy.
But of course, I don't think power up some low CP pokemons "wrongly" will affect very much, if the pokemon has good IV and skills combo, and you very like the pokemon, just power up it.


Thank you, for your opinion. But I have to disagree. I dont think that is better if I spend dust in defensive pokemons. 2 or 3 good players will be enough to (10 --> 0 ) a gym in 10 minutes.

But my question was more about literally: ' when spend dust. Because I dont know if it better ( for example ): Golduck 96 or a future ( and second ) vaporeon 90 +.

When is worth it to dust a pokemon with lowest IV than 90% ?


It is good to max out defensive pokemons than your attackers.. someone told me that you should stop power uping attackers when the dust for power up comes to 4.5k.. its up to you if you want to max attackers but my friend has a point for higher prestige points..


First off IVs matter less and less for the more powerful mons. Say your 75 dragonite has +10 att, and a 100 nite has +15. The att difference would be 260 and 265. Not even noticeable on his base 250.

The rest of your question depends on too much other stuff, but if it's a decent mon with a good moveset then power it up if it fills in a gap in your offensive team, or need a niche defender in your area(doubtful).

I would stop when the dust cost hits 4500 though, that is just too much unless it is your "A" team.

Jolteon is only good for gyrados, and EVERYONE powers their vape. Maybe you wanna be different and have an awesome duck. Sounds cool to me. Hope I helped.


You did. thanks.

Where can I see the formula where the IV is calculated ( I mean the impact of the final result ). ?


I use pokeassistant IV calculator. I honestly haven't tried the others because I like that one. It shows your stats vs worst and best possible as well.

Using check boxes it narrows it down very well.


Sorry. I mean the impact of IV in the final HP or Damage.

How can I know if it is how you said " 15 IV vs 10 IV is 265 vs 260 ". How can I know if it is not more important ?


Here, on this site it shows the formulas. I think in advanced stats section. Sadly ivs don't matter much, they just make sure yours is slightly different from your friends and people can brag and be proud.

It's just a trophy to have a super high IV. Base stats are much more important. A 0 percent snorlax/dragonite/lapras will always be better than 100 percent anything else.


The thing that make me confused is : I have a lapras, Perfect MoveSet 1800 CP 40% (6-12-0). Is that 'worth it' to spend dust and candy ?

I never know exactly when I should spend dust/candy.

( I have a 1500 CP lapras Frost Breath and Dragon Pulse )


I would spend it on the good moveset. Unless you get lapras often.

Dragon pulse ruins lapras, I would rather have a 0 percent blizzard lapras.Only you can decide if it's worth it though. You are thinking way to hard about ivs. It's literally only lacking 24 points out of the maximum 681 combined stats of lapras. Most people don't even read about ivs or movesets.


I know. But the problem is: If I spend i can get a better lapras and have no candy to power up. If i dont spend I will never get a better lapras ( I hate my egg hatch ).


Until now (level 28) I only spend dust on Dragonites and Snorlaxes with IV+70% up and CP+2000 up, especially Dragonites as they can stay in gyms longest due to their high CP.
I never consider powerup a Vaporeon/Flareon/Jolteon/Exeggutor/Slowbro not mention Golduck, just keep catching higher cp pokemons then evolve.


I dont have that luck to get Dragonite and Snorlax enough to spend my dust.

Be sure that Vaporeon, Exeggutor and Slowbro is more than worth it to evolvo and power up ( with a good move set ).

But what intrigues me is that IV does not matter that much.

ps: I am level 30
