
No more potions from stops?

I ran out of potions yesterday. Walked home turned some stops but only got 1 potion. Unlucky I thought but today I walked around the whole day plused the stops and only got a few. Some minutes ago I had my 7day strike - no potions

Anyone having the same problems?

Asked by Pingo6 years 5 months ago


You're not the only one. Same thing has been happening to me lately, too. I've been getting far more balls than berries and potions combined. I rarely even get a single revive now. Pretty odd.


Stops rarely drop potions and revives anymore. Try to spin more gyms, they drop more potions.


True but still not so much. It still is a mix of balls and potions. I like the idea that pokestops drop more pokeballs and i hope gyms only potions.


Please not only potions from gyms.

I have gone to a lot of trouble to get a line of 6 gyms all to Gold badge so that I can fill my pack faster.
Some of these used to be stops, so to remove balls and berries from all of these will ruin one of my best 'bag filling' spots around.

It is hard enough for some to get enough stops/gyms to stock up, so limiting gyms to only potions is one of those things that will add another benefit to those in large cities at the expense of those in less population dense areas, and rural players.


I spent months dropping potions, supers, nd even hyper. How the tables have turned. They're not even that common from gyms!


Yeah only in raids


Yeah, it seems like Niantic has changed what items and how many we get from stops and gyms. Potions is more common from gyms now.

I used to throw away loads of potions because I constantly had too many, but now I have to be more careful. Was down to 18 regular potions the other day. Can't remember last time I had so few.

Seeing as they changed the items we get from raids (you know, from interesting stuff to a buttload of revives and potions) I am sort of okay with this change.
I prefer to get more balls than potions.


by aSp 6 years 5 months ago

Did you do your 7 day spin on a gym or normal stop?

I always make sure it is a gym, preferably a gold gym that my team is holding.
At the very least...a silver gym.


My two gold gyms are the train station by my house and the train station that's a stop away. This morning I got 3 regular potions from both gyms COMBINED!!! What the hell is going on, Niantic? First the stardust, now the potions? Why are they making the potions so scarce all of a sudden? Niantic really doesn't want people playing this game anymore, do they?


i've noticed I tend to get that which I have a lot of and little of what I have little of. I even did an experiment w putple eggs and was accumulating and getting them to drop more frequently when I was not incubating them.



Agree. It’s been this way pretty much since the beginning. If I’m short on potions and want more, I always keep a few as seeds.


A LONG time ago someone posted that they found an algorythm that does exactly this.

It has been suggested many times that this is the case, and the anecdotal evidence (like this very thread) suggest that there is something to it.

However, any studies done on drops from pokestops NEVER consider this to be a factor - and work from the premise that all pokestops are equal, and all drops are equal no matter the contents of a players pack.

TBH...I think this is a flawed assumption to accept as a fact, if you are going to build a genuine study into drop rates. A true study would make no such would test them first.

...I am looking at you TSR analysis group.


by Jmast7 6 years 5 months ago

Silph did an analysis - potions are very rare at normal Pokestops right now, and somewhat rare at gyms (though you do get more).

Personally I like this change - I'm lucky if I can do one raid per day and I'm always throwing away potions (such is life in the suburbs). More balls and berries are welcome - I was running really low during the Halloween event.

I imagine this change is to 1) make the potions you get from raids feel more valuable and 2) get people to buy max potions and revives from the store.


Its all about the money :)


by TriXit 6 years 5 months ago

This is getting ridiculous. They first seemed to make a change that increased the chance of getting balls at stops, which I was fine with. Then they seemed to change it again, so it is now exceptionally rare to get potions at the stops, and it is not like they are plentiful at the gyms either (though way more common than at the normal stops, as long as you have the gold badges). 2 days ago, I walked for 5 hours and only managed to get 1 revive and 1 normal potion :(

I live in a small town and this is killing the game for the locals. We are few enough raiders as it is, and now some are not joining, since they haven't managed to heal up from the last raid. Desperate to use our raid passes we still tried with too few people yesterday, which resulted in everyone having 20+ dead pokemons (2 attempts, and everyone needing to rejoin with a second team both times). 2 hour walk after to restock, and not getting any potions is not fun.... And the gyms are stagnating, since no one can afford to heal up attackers, defenders and raid as well.

Between this change, and the messed up raid timers (eggs spawning at 4 am, and raids stopping at 6 pm), the game is dying fast in my area.

I am fortunate enough to have plenty of time to devote to the game, but soon I won't have anyone to play with :(


I guess its just different by me. I can take most gyms with 1 potion, place a 1500cp Xatu in there and throw him away when he comes back. I don’t see how people need 20 healing items per day.

The first 1.5 years of this game favored people who used lots of potions. The last 1.5 weeks have favored people who do not I guess. The advantage to me now is I am no longer throwing away 40-50 healing items per week. So it is 15 stops or so I don't have to spin.

I would think they will put potions in the store at a reasonable cost. 10 yellow potions for 50 coins maybe seems fair.


We are going to the beginning of the game gotta catch them all and not anything more


Since last week or two I have the same problem. Except weekends, I try to visit around 40-50 pokestops daily, but all I got were 3-4 purple potions and 1-2 revive per day.
At first I thought I can make it up by doing some II tier raids daily, as I remember getting mostly loads of purple and orange potions from them but it didn't help at all- at cost of 2-3 pokemon down or wounded I got rewards like 3 revives and 5 Super Potions or only 10 Potions- barely enough to get up the pokemon used. Maybe tier I would be more potion efficient, but to stockpile a reaaonabke amount I would either have to wait for a month-two, or buy a lot of raid passes for sole purpose of having a chance to get some low level potions.
I hope it is just an experiment or a mistake that will get reversed soon- I remember times, when I had too much potions and problem getting pokeballs, however a few days of intensive walking in the city were enough to fix that, and, above all, it was a year ago, when fighting was much smaller part of gameplay (no raids, no motivation system) and catching was the main source of getting good pokemon. It isn't even beneficial for Niantic- trouble getting potions would discourage lone or rural players from doing more raids, which means less money spent on passes, especially that a packet of healing items for 6-10 pokemon costs around 200 coins. Surely having to buy much more coupled with legendary beast raids ending, cold and short days in northern hemisphere and disappointing switch of higher tier bosses won't result in a drop.


Luckily I already have a big stock of revives & potions but have found myself doing less gyms to conserve these supplies as getting hold of these items now is a challenge. As gym activity in my area was already falling due to the cold weather & shorter days, it seems a strange move to me to limit these items in the way they have. Max revives & potions are poor value in the shop & spending free coins on them to get more coins seems a pretty poor return for your efforts.


by Oscarv 6 years 5 months ago

I made a thread about this a few days ago.
Today I noticed I am getting more potions than earlier this week, both from stops and gyms, to a useful level.


I had a situation like this too. People at Polish groups were talking about it for some time, but I noticed an extreme decline only this week. I still hope it's not a permanent idea


by Pingo 6 years 5 months ago

Ok, thank you all for the replies.
So it's a little bit more tactical now. We shouldn't use the best for normal gym battles anymore. That's fine I guess.

On the other hand it sucks anyway with the motivation. They should go back to the 10 slot system without using motivation but you only have to beat them once and either you fail or you do it. And don't worry about the "new players". There is non such. Just cheaters who got caught or players building up some multiaccounts
