
Machamp solo: Cloudy or not?

Machamp in Cloudy weather is monstrously good. In fact, I think Cloudy should be listed as helpful weather against Omastar because C/DP Machamp is just so strong. I think it's pretty funny that the third tier 3 raid I soloed (after Scyther and Porygon) was Omastar and not Gengar or Machamp which are considered easier (in the solo guide, at least).

Now advancing towards the question part... the reason I soloed Omastar before Gengar or Champ was because I seriously lacked in good Psychic types. I changed that recently by TMing and powering my old Alakazam. Also, today I evolved my third Dragonite and got DT/Hu. (Side note: I've been incredibly lucky with CTMs. WC for Raikou, FS for Zam, Hu for Dnite, all on first try.)

And the question: Pokebattler sims say that I'd have a shot at even the toughest movesets but I'm feeling a little sceptical. So I thought I would ask from people more experienced in tier 3 solos! How good are my chances in your opinion? The team I've considered is as follows:

1. Lv27 11a/9d/3s Espeon C/FS
2. Lv30 15/13/15 Alakazam PC/FS
3. Lv30 14/3/12 Dragonite DT/Hu
4. Lv30 13/13/15 Machamp C/DP
For the last two slots some of the following:
Lv31,5 12/14/15 Dragonite DT/O
Lv30 15/11/14 Dragonite DT/O
Lv29 14/11/11 Machamp C/DP
Lv34 9/15/8 Hariyama C/DP

As I only have 2 viable Psychic types for high damage, I figured I could use the great DPS of a weather boosted Machamp. Is this idea doomed from the start, however? Does the boss's difficulty increase negate the advantage I'd gain from this? Any thoughts on how to improve my chances further are greatly appreciated! First things that come to my mind: (1) TM Zam to Confusion. I've heard that the difference is a big one though I'd like to try out PC first. (2) Get a better Espeon. Would need a good Eevee for that. I have two higher level Espies, but they have suboptimal movesets and I don't feel like using TMs on them.

Asked by Ildamon6 years 4 months ago


My first Machamp solo I had one good IV Espeon (98%, 14 att), probably level 30.5. 3 mediocre IV level 29-30 Espeon, and a DT/O 93% dragonite. None of the Espeons had future sight. I also had a 98% lugia, but he actually didn't get in the battle.

I used Walmart Straight Talk cell service with a <$100 phone.

The Machamp had Close Combat. It was super close but I won! It was my first Tier 3 solo.

My point is you don't need perfect movesets, perfect IV pokemon, or a perfect phone. Get some high CP Eevees, easier now with the weather boost, and start walking!

But whatever you do, don't give Machamp 20% more damage. There's no way that makes the solo easier!


If you’re not able to solo a weather boosted, sure, but weather boosted it far more valuable.

You definitely need another Alakazam or Espeon, if not both.


Props man! Didn't know that was possible. This is the best team I have and using s7 edge. Failed twice last time I tried, once dodging once per and then again with no dodging. Don't remember what the machamp had, but I definitely blamed my failure on android.


by hkn 6 years 4 months ago

To be honest, I highly doubt you can solo Machamp with that team. Simulations are not affected by lag or the dodge glitch.

This is the team that I used to successfully solo a weather-boosted Machamp with BP/CC with 20s to spare (IVs are A/D/S):

L30 Alakazam 15/15/14 Conf/FS
L30 Alakazam 13/15/15 PC/FS
L30 Espeon 12/15/14 Conf/FS
L30 Exeggutor 15/13/15 with Conf/Solar
L30 Exeggutor 13/14/13 with Conf/Psyc
L30 Dragonite 14/14/11 DT/Hur

I used the exact same team against a non-boosted Machamp with Count/CC yesterday, but my Dragonite fainted with 7s left and I could not try again due to errors.


Thanks for the insight! I indeed thought there waa something fishy going on in the sims and you "confirmed" it. Comparing to your team I still seriously lack in Psychic types.


Funny, I also soloed Omastar third and in cloudy weather. And it happened today!

I don't think you are ready yet for Machamp. I made the mistake of trying to do Omastar in the rain because of electric boost... yikes.

And I am also currently working on Machamp and Gengar. Her'e where I am:

Alakazam lvl 30, 15-10-13 with C/FS
Dragonite lvl 30, 12-13-13 with DT/H
Exeggutor lvl 32, 14-15-13 with ES/Ps
Espeon lvl 22.5, 8-11-12 with ZH/Ps
Dragonite lvl 20, 12-10-15 with DT/H
Alakazam lvl 21, 12-13-15 with Ps/FS
Gardevoir lvl 20, 12-15-11 with C/SB

That's 3 mon that are ready and 4 that are not.

I caught a high IV high level Eevee in the partly cloudy weather and walked it 10 k to try to get a better Epseon. It evolved into a Jolteon. I'm still salty.

Just boosted up my first best Zam. Need to boost the other but I'm out of candy. Bring on the wind.

Didn't bother boosting the Garde, because it would need a TM. Instead I am a few candies away from evolving a second and we'll see how that goes.

The second Dragonite is the most likely to make the cut. Sitting on 19 candies.


Sometimes it takes a minute or two for the 2nd candy to register after finishing the 10k walk. Don't just evolve it when you see the animation, I've done that twice...obviously I knew to wait the 2nd time, but I still jumped the gun.


Thanks for the advice, but I don't think that was my issue. It was night when I hit 10K, so I didn't evolve instantly because I didn't want an Umbreon. The mon in question says I walked it 10.6 Km.

Instead, I switched it off my buddy, since I was waiting for midday to have a certain evolve. It also may have been an issue of evolving with bad signal on my phone. Should have done it at home, I think. Still looking for that next, amazing Eevee.


Your Eevee needs to be your buddy the moment you evolve it. Otherwise its going to become one of the Gen 1 Eevolutions.


If you have an all alakazam or espeon team it could work. Counters don't have to be powered above 30 as usual.

I used a level 30 5x alakazam team with a lugia anchor and soloed it, and it was the first day of this weather boosted thing came out and so I didn't even know machamp was buffed. It did have close combat though, the easiest moveset.

I do happen to get a lot more machops lately though due to weather and my candy stash is approaching 400. If you have the correct local environment I think joining Ttar raids or groudon is a better use of your resources.


That should be good enough.

Anyway, don't TM Zam to Confusion! That extra future sight it might get off is better than the extra damage from Confusion.


It Dynamic Punch then you faint before doing any serious damage, even Psybeam isn't fast enough lol.


During cloudy weather the whole squad might not make it if the OP runs into Heavy Slam, which doesn't actually get a boost. Try Machamp if you see it, you get a free pass and 500 stardust for sitting there 5 min.


Yeah, gotta hope for CC! :D
Weather boosted DP on the boss sure does sound terrifying now that I think about it...


Some of the advisors here dodge, some don't. I built enough bulk to never have to worry about dodging--gives me a consistent idea what to include and what to leave on the bench. Like I said though, some people play this like an actual videogame


There is a trainer that using machamp vs machamp, but the level of his machamp is much higher than yours
I rather using those 2 dragonites and if you have pscychic exeggutor, or gengar instead.
Try the non boosted one, then you can try soloing it in cloudy weather..
Personally, i love soloing machamp in cloudy days, getting one with a very good IV (if i am lucky) at level 24 is always welcome, especially in the weekdays when i cant join a group raid.


If u have enough ralt candies, gardevoir (confusion/dazzling gleam) does pretty well versus machamp on a cloudy day. If you need something else to work on :)
