
Anyone else a little annoyed with the whole community day thing?

Don't get me wrong, I love the community days themselves, it's just the whole "what if this Pokemon gets a future community day" situation. I wasn't worrying about it too much before now, because I just caught a very high IV Larvitar that I was planning on evolving during my next evolving storm, but then I remembered, what if Larvitar gets a future community day? Sure Larvitar may not be as likely since Tyranitar is a raid boss, it still is a decent possibility. I was really excited to get my first Tyranitar, but now I'm torn between decisions. Anyone else having these problems.

Asked by TheRedLuigi646 years ago


Just don't evolve anything you don't need at the moment. Tyranitar isn't that useful outside of some specific raids so unless you struggle with reward balls, don't have a lot of people to raid with, dont have any good tyranitar already, or you like to solo things, I'd just wait and see. I had that very same problem as soon as was dratini c-day was over but I figured out this was the best solution overall, especially if you're lvl 40 and don't need to mass evolve things anymore.
If you do need a good tyranitar in your team NOW, don't sweat it and evolve it.


The OP said they were “really excited to get [their] first Tyranitar” so the latter situation applies.

Only reason to wait would be if they do not have enough candy/stardust to power it up (to level 30) after evolving. Or not enough TMs in case it gets IT/FB.


I have just enough candy (128) and over 1,250,000 stardust so that is not an issue, I'm thinking I will do it when we find out what the June community day pokemon is assuming it isn't Larvitar.


It will cost 123 candies to evolved a Larvitar into a Tyranitar and an additional 62 candies to power it up from lvl 20 to lvl 30.

So, you need 185.


Powering up from level 20 to 30 requires 66 candies, not 62.

In other words, you have enough candies to evolve your Larvitar, but not enough to power it up to level 30.

Remember that a level 20 or 25 Tyranitar is not really useful. Neither is one with IT/FB if you lack TMs.

Keep walking.


You can still get a high IV Larvitar during the event.


Yes, true but the IVs are 14/14/15, so it is very unlikely to come across a better one.


I wouldn't hesitate to evolve it, you can never have too many Tyranitar. Then, if it becomes a community day mon (kinda doubt it.... it's a raid boss, currently available in the wild (event), and there are so many mon to choose from) just catch and evolve more!


Why didn't you send the extras to the professor when we had double candy? I've personally kept 12 which I think is a pretty reasonable number.


If you wait with evolving you might miss a great move that could become a legacy move while you are waiting for a CD.
The special move given on CDs isnt always particularly good.


This is exactly the part that is annoying: we don't know what the best option is for the future and by the time we do know, moves could have become legacy or we find out an exclusive move is only okay.


Even if larvitar gets a community day event, the move could still be around surf dragon pulse


by Croc 6 years ago

Community days and research tasks have many trainers collecting enough candy for 2 evolutions before evolving their first. In the case of Tyranitar I think you are safe. One Megasaur in the hand is worth two in the bush.


I absolutely hate that they don't let us TM for the exclusive move. I'm going to be out there grinding like mad every CD because the bonuses are so good and I like shinies and feel like I'm just getting unjustly punished for evolving copies of that pokemon before the event. So yeah I'm with you, a little annoyed. Still love the actual events every time they come around.

I don't think the restriction to evolve is even particularly impactful in making people get out, the bonuses being limited to catching/walking only and the shinies are what do that.


I understand what you are saying to a certain point but pokemon go is still a game. What is wrong with having a Bite/Crunch 100% Tyranitar? Looking at the past community days the only good move released was FP on Venasaur and though it is better than SoB, a high level SoB Venasaur is still not useless and one of the best grass attackers in the game.

Surf Pickachu is not worth discussing.
DM Dragonite is not as powerful as OR and made Salamence even less desirable.
Venasaur was already discussed.
Ampharos with DP is useless.

So the only mon where it made a difference was a starter where people were crying for ages to make them relevant somehow and that´s what Niantic did! We all hope that Charmander cummunity day and Squirtle will go in similar directions, but I think a Larvitar day (if it ever happens) will go like Dratini and even if it doesn´t and it somehow gets a better move, B/C is still very good. Be happy with it and catch a good IV one during the 3 hour community day and evolve it and you will have two beasts with one being in your memory related strictly to a fun day with your pokemon go community.


I have 5 FP Venusaurs at levels 32-35 that are all better than my maxed perfect SoB Venusaur. The only reason I'd use the SoB Venu is if I was completely out of revives, so it is in fact pretty much useless now.

I have no problem with the exclusive moves as long as they aren't better than what the mon already had, but that fear of another FP happening is real.


There's always the possibility that Solar Beam or Petal Blizzard beomes legacy at some point and Frenzy Plant becomes TMable.
He might also become a good Mega candidate so it may not be a total loss after all.


Sure. But right now he's just a trophy and while it's not that bad for me personally, it's annoying. I guess the hope is that they allow TMing later on and also let us TM old CD mons during CDs. That would also be better for players who missed the original window altogether.


What level is your Larvitar? If he's already lvl 30+, having a B/C Ttar on your team can save your hide in many situations like Confusion Jynx and Sludge Bomb Gengar without any investment.

I wouldn't stress out about Community Day. Just make sure you have plenty of Pinaps. No one knows who the next CD star will be other than Niantic. Larvitar might be soon, months away or never.


I rather enjoy the fact that there are many unknowns imbedded in the game. I like speculating on future events ,moves ,nurfs, buffs and possible changes in the game .


Annoyed only by the fact that during those 3 hours we can`t TM our community day Pokemon to get the special event move.


The better question is what moves could Tyranitar actually learn that would put him on another level than he already is? Off the top of my head I can only think of Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, or maybe even something like outrage I guess?

Outside of that I think if you have the candy to get him then go for it. If Larvitar is on a community day then it shouldn’t be too hard to get enough candy to get another one, even as casual as I play compared to others I managed to get about 400 candies for the last two.


Smack Down as a fast move could very well be a CD exclusive for Tyranitar. We'll hopefully see soon how it goes with SD.


If Smack Down is the exclusive move for a Larvitar community day, its different role would not pose a threat to Tyranitar with Bite/Crunch, which would remain the best Dark-type attacker by a wide margin.


I personally advise to keep the Larvitar for the time being. The pattern of community days has been this so far: Starter (Pika), 10km rare (Dratini), Starter (Bulba), 10km rare (Mareep), Starter (Char). In my opinion Larvitar has a very good chance of being in the future pool of community day mons. For every community day I never caught a 90%+ IV mon during the 3 hours I venture out. If you care about IVs, keep that Larvitar. When the Charmander day was announced, I went crazy looking for a good IV Charmander to save for the day. I luckily caught a 96% Charmeleon with 15atk and 15def. There's always a chance of catching/hatching another good IV Larvitar in the future! Better to save now than regret it later ;)
