
Houndoom for Mewtwo raids

I been thinking about this for a while but, Houndoom resists Psychic, Ice beam and Flamethrower sets on Mewtwo raids. I used a 100% Houndoom at level 25 and other two (91% lv 33 and 98% lv 40) and they did really well. I know some will say, Tyranitar is better and such.

Houndoom is viable on that raids?
Should I max out that 100% one?

Asked by VrillonX5 years 6 months ago


I wouldn’t max Houndoom, if you wanted to power him up I’d say maybe to the last breakpoint and leave it there. This doesn’t regard how much dust and candy you have though. Many will tell you to wait and hoard your dust until you have a safe “5 million” but if you like how effective he is in a raid then I say go for it,m. Like Ttar he has a Mega Evolution so he could be even more useful in the future


im somewhat skeptical they'd inplement mega;s, mostly as it would put them so far a head of everything else unless they get nerfed into the ground to the point of being bearly an upgrade, the game would more or less devolve into "how many mega rayquaza/mewtwo, primal groudon/kyogre or mega tyrnatiar, salamence/garchomp" you have and theres be almost no reason to keep doing raids as nothing would compete with those pokemon so niantic wouldn't make money on raid passes anymore.

For referenc,e mega mewtwo Y's got a cp of nearly 6.85K, compared to the near 4k its got now. It would take a very substantial nerf to balance the game out.


I haven't played the main series till Megas but I'm sure it needed a special item. They could limit mega evolution. What if they make that special item hard to farm (raids sometimes giving you one of the evolution items randomly) then you use it on a pokemon to "unlock" its mega evolution and from now on it can mega evolve once per day.

Ultimately those with 50 mewtwos would get 50 evolution items to have unlimited evolutions but it would take a while


Its dps is similar to Tyrantiar, but the reason tyranitar is better is Its DPS is slight better, and it has significantly more TDO, ie its a direct upgrade from houndoom

Houndoom isnt bad its actually quite good, but tyrantiar is just a better option


Houndoom is ok, he's just lower DPS and Total Damage than Tyranitar.

I wouldn't put dust into him. It's unlikely your beating Mewtwo in very small groups if Houndoom is your best choice. If you've got big groups, at best you'll occasionally get an extra ball for your dust investment.

Here's the twist, you shouldn't power up anyone right now! Hoard that dust. We don't know when the update is going to go live and what if the meta changes and Ttar isn't as useful as it was. Right now patience gives you the best info!


Forget Houndoom, infact i'd bin them.

You don't need them because you can use Gengar which has the highest DPS against Mewtwo!! DPS is all that matters.

Power up all your Gengars to the max.


Gengar is a paper weight, I wouldn’t waste dust on him either unless he has Shadow Claw. Even then it doesn’t sound like this guy is trying to 3 man him or anything. Houndoom can be a safe option resisting all but focus Blast in case he doesn’t want to re-enter more than once or at all. I’m not gonna act like he’s the best in anything but he’s far better than using Aggron or Lugia


Houndoom is a solid option, if you have plenty of dust and candies. The last breakpoint (assuming neutral weather and no friend bonus) is at level 37.5, so no need to take it past that. It is a solid addition to a Mewtwo counter team, and I've found that it helps to have a fully loaded "B" team ready against Mewtwo for when your first team is knocked out.


Houndoom is an acceptable counter if you’re lacking better options (Tyranitar, Gengar, Mewtwo).


I have several 38+ B/C Ttar and several PC/SB Mewtwo. I still use S/FP Houndoom because he's cool. I've maxed out a 12/13/15 and named him Cujo. His move set is a nice change from the crud that is Bite/Crunch.


If you like hounddoom level it up and use it..... it’s better than what the majority of players bring to a Mewtwo raid by a long shot.


by Xegeth 5 years 7 months ago

I kind of find I am having less fun in the game if I just choose one perfect counter and power up a team of 6 of them. Instead I try to bring in some variety to counter the current raid boss while still doing significantly better than the average player that brings Aggrons and Lugias to Mewtwo. For Mewtwo I powered up the usual 2 Tyranitars, but I also got a Houndoom, an Absol, a Scizor and even a Psycho Cut/Shadow Ball Alakazam from a weather boosted abra. I might not be as efficient as someone using 6 B/Cr Tyranitars, but like this the game is way more fun for me.


I was maxing.mime but stopped two or three power ups from the max when my cp hit an even 2500. I use it every meet so raid. It performs as well as absol. It's not going to live thru a second ice beam or.flamethrower.


My Perfect hundo Doggy definitely survive 2 Flamethrowers. It has 20 less base power than Ice Beam, so it makes difference.


I get good results from my Houndoom.

My first rule of raiding is, the good ‘mon you have is better than the perfect ‘mon you don’t have. I have some good Tyranitar I always use, but I do not have a perfect set of 6, nor do I have the time to pursue them.

My second rule is, know your situation. Even “ideal” mons may only be that way on average across all conditions and move sets. Depending on weather and opponent’s move set, and among the ‘mons I actually have (see rule 1), Houndoom often ranks in my first team, and its performance bears out my pre-raid analysis.

Another reason I use Houndoom is to practice techniques other than mindless tapping. Bulk isn’t the only way to survive more charged attacks. You can also dodge them, and with Snarl, Houndoom is much quicker on its feet than Ttar.

Another commenter suggested powering up to the last breakpoint. Depending on your candy and dust reserves, that’s a reasonable idea. Depending on your situation (weather, friend level of your raid mates; see rule 2), that breakpoint may be lower than you think.

My third rule is, the strength of your raid team depends on the strength of your raid mates. If your raid mates are strong, skillful, or numerous enough to assure victory, why not have some fun?

Which brings me to my fourth rule: I’m here to *play* the game. Seeing my Houndoom dancing around among the Tyranitar, dodging to get off one more Foul Play, its clouds of black smoke billowing across the arena among the same old bitey crunchy, is a thrill.
