
What to do with 100% Aron?

Just evolve it? Or wait for a community day that might never come? What to do?

Asked by billyclaw5 years 5 months ago


Not really useful at the moment so leave it sit. You can evolve at any time so there is no rush.


Evolve it to an Aggron, then toss it in gyms to really, REALLY piss off a significant portion of the player base who irrationally HATE Aggron.


You arent wrong.

Also good when doing a massively team biased raid and its all of one of the other two teams you arent one, like when raiding mewtwo and theres 8-12 mystic/valor/instinct with optimized counters and you're the only one from (other team).


...and then when people start complaining "Who's the idiot in the Aggron?", you just start looking at random people's phones while "accidentally" hiding your own?


No, better yet, YOU complain "who's the idiot with the aggron?", looking at other players accusingly while hiding your phone.

Seriously, Aggron is a great pokemon for a new player, it lets them participate in a raid and not get KOd immediately, and do a little damage, while they build up their team so they can really contribute later. New players shouldn't be Aggron shamed, they should just be informed that their Aggron is a stepping stone to better things, and you're hopeful that they are working towards better counters.


Every so often when im with friends and they're using their alt or have a friend along with them we jokingly say whose using the aggron because we know they dont really play much.

My 98% one was great to me in starting up, helped conserve potion agaisnt things like blissey and tyrantiar in gymswhile I didnt have a machamp. A lot of people hate it because they expect people have fully optimized counters, maxed leveled and such. Aggron does good as a bit of a stepping stone, like you said. Its hard to get those optimized counters when you cant raid because you dont have optimized counters. Helped me do magikarp raids while I buddied my dragonite which helped get a latios that helped me get a few other good pokemon that help me now do tier 5's in smaller groups
You cant start off at the best. you gotta work your way up. Its easy to forget that when you have the best of the best. People done jolteon or vaporeon shame people when they are using in raids, and they too are stepping stones to better raid pokemon

Plus it is just fun to throw into a raid to trigger mystic players when im the only instinct.


Why hide your own phone? Just dodge once or twice so that your Aggron is on top of the next attacker's pokemon.


You're mostly pissing off your own teammates with this strategy because Aggron is a terrible defender due to the double weakness to fighting. Anyone attacking is just thinking "how nice".


We dont know how it could do in PvP, aggron does have great TDO and a good number of resistances, it could do well.

Most people where I am are actually holding on to almost all pokemon they find now that have good TDO because we dont fully understand how PvP will work and better to be prepared than not


The big problem that Aggron will have in PvP is its double weakness to both Fighting and Ground. With two charged moves available, there will be plenty of Fighting moves and some Ground moves out there. Either will thrash Aggron mercilessly. When your foe doesn't take either type, Aggron can do well, but if they have one or the other, Aggron goes down fast, and can bring your whole team down with it.

(All this said with the caveat that we don't know exactly how PvP will work, and all of the above might be completely wrong.)


We dont really know how relevant fighting will be in PvP, fighting's main use is a few specific ones; countering tyrantar which the addition of the second charge move will likely allow mewtwo to do which I agree will hurt aggron, but the shields and its resistant to psychic might help, countering gym defense blissey which in a game with something like pvp, the blissey will likely outlast a fighting type.

Ground is somewhat irrelivent as ground moves are really trash and in lower tiers, most ground types like rhydon/perior are both cursed with bad moves and weak to steel. I could see something like earthquake metagross hitting it hard as it also resists steel and rock. I agree Aggron's not perfectly locked down like it could be a first round pick, but thats the thing about PvP, every pokemon does have its weaknesses. A single pokemon wont really hold down the team, its the combination of the three that will.


I don't see how a community day could really help Aggron, unless it somehow alleviates its double weaknesses to Fighting and Ground attacks. Outside of that, it's a nice, tanky, steel and ice attacker.

Okay, maybe if it had an attack like Doom Desire, but AFAIK, that can't happen, Doom Desire is a Jirachi special. And even then, Machamp and his fighting brethren would shred it.


That is if machamp and fighting types are good for PvP against the top picks.

As we have seen place machamp on the map, effectiveness agaisnt common picks puts those pokemon up even if in a vacuum they dont look as prominent statwise.


by pipjay 5 years 5 months ago

If you are mourning the loss of your 3000cp Espeon (max 100%) because of the stat change, a max 100% Aggron is now 3000cp.


There isn’t going to be an Aron cd. Some of the above responses about aggron and its use in the game are pretty spot on. If you have passed that point in your game, you can do whatever with it...
