
Fate CCC alter egos (melt and passion) or Kiara?

As I am an f2p player.. Need help choosing which alter ego to roll for, thanks

Asked by ValguliousKURO5 years 3 months ago


Well they all serve different purposes in both kit and cards.

-Lip is a hybrid off tank/main dps with a taunt, a triple buster deck and an aoe dmg+party heal buster NP. With all her defences in play she could very well survive an enemy NP. Best trait IMO is exactly that, being able to be take a hit for the team and still dish out damage.

-Melt is a strong single target quick servant whose kit is all about biffing herself. Her NP also has a buff removal although it activates after the damage is dealt. Best trait IMO is her bond CE which provides a hefty 20% quick buff and 30% crit dmg whilst lowering party crit by 10%

-Kiara is an arts servant with a nice party wide charge removal and def down and a def piercing aoe dmg/heal NP, her 3rd skill has an invuln but at 3k hp loss is wayyy too much dmg for the mere stats it gives and her 1st is a half charge battery + arts debuff for a single target. Her best trait IMO is her 16% def passive vs Humanoids which every servant, save for 1, has.


^ Yes. Passionlip is your most accessible Alter Ego until Welfare Mecha Eli-Chan comes in October.

All of the CCC Alter Egos get strengthenings and become MUCH better than they are on release. Kiara is particular was built to become a premium CQ clearer.


Thanks for the bried detailed descriptions of each servant, I think I'll go with fate ccc alter egos afterall, gives me more chances and even though I like kiara's np stuff, that 3k hp loss is still a bit too much for me. For now i hope to get melt. Thanks
