
What team comp can I make with these servants?

I think I've just arrived at that stage of competence where I've learned just enough of the game, to know how little I actually know, like how good 1-3 servants can actually be. I lived solely off Saber alter blowing people up with buster cards, Shiki's AQQ Np spamming, and Mashu being with one or the other for defense. Now that I've accumulated more servants over the last few months, what team composition can I make with these servants?

Also for why Jack isn't maxed out, got her near the end of the summer event :P

Asked by saikou2015 years 10 months ago


Sorry if this will be quick since I'm quite tired.
Arts team: Mash or when against most enemies except Archer and berserker Deon, Tamamo (prioritize specially her third skill) and Shiki or your NP 2 Robin hood. Watch bosses get blown up. For arts crit change Mash to Jackor Shiki for star gen and run Rhyme for crit damage and Nito for general farming purposes.
Buster team (Could be buster crit with CEs like Teacher and I and Seal designation officer) Run Jack for your crit star gen, Salter your main damagw, Mash to protect them. For farming run a Mash or Shishou, Liz and Kiyo.
That's what what I see ask other people for more.


Sorry! Should of posted this afternoon than early morning. Very grateful for the help though, thanks!


Don't worry about it just woke up for some reason. Just to make it clear Nito isn't for Crit, but you run her with Farming servants like her if that makes my comments clear.


Gosh, you have a very solid arts team... basically tamamo+support waver+shiki is very solid.
Tamamo+Support Waver + Robin will MELT sabers

You might as well use Ushi+JtR+Hans (if you have Hans) as well as a good idea... Yes, Hans is a 2 star servant but his support skills are top notch.

Also, you can use Tamamo+Mashu/Hans+Any arts Support Attacker to beat almost anything. I suggest you to focus on arts since you have Tamamo.


Thanks! That whole 1-3 star servant holding their own was a real wake up call after that Gwain fight. Definitely not gonna underestimate them any more, especially after seeing Robin Hood's NP.


Quite a bit actually.
Your roster's pretty solid already with Tamamo and Jack
Shiki - Tamamo - Waver/Mash/Jack. Maybe put in Mash if vs Riders.
Robin - Tamamo - Waver/Mash. Buff Robin with Fox Wedding EX and watch Sabers turn to trees.
Chevalier - Tamamo - Arts DPS like Vlad. Chev's a really good tank in Arts teams. Give her Def/HP recovery CEs and she's good.
Nursery Rhyme - Tamamo - Jack. Jack provides the stars for Alice. Alice do crits. Tamamo does Tamamo.

like Ruzeron said, level Tamamo's Fox Wedding EX. you have quite a lot of Arts type servants there after all. and by now, you've prolly already noticed the pattern. Bring Tamamo to any Arts team and that team will be fantastic.

You can also go for Buster/Crit memes.
Salter - Jack - (Support like Waver or Hans) can be decent. Just don't bring any Archer or Riders if you're going to put Salter as the main dps so she can hog the stars.
It's basically Jack - Buster dps - (Support = the usual suspects. Waver, Hans, Mash etc) for buster/crit memes.

I don't think you need to think too much about Nito and Shishou's teammates as they're mostly gonna be used in farming. Give them starting NP CEs and they're good.


Thanks! Using servants that I only liked wasn't gonna help me out in the long run (big fan of Kara no Kyoukai), so all this team composition stuff is going help me to play more optimally. Thanks again for the help!


Anytime. = v=
I recommend raising a Hans for better Arts memes. And your team's pretty much set for the Kara no Kyoukai cast. Saber Shiki is also an Arts servant so you know what to do. Fujinon's a Buster type Archer so she'll go well with your Jack-Jack.
Waver, Hans, Mash and Merlin can pretty much fit in to any team(something to keep in mind) while Tamamo mainly specializes in Arts support. Tamamo's the first servant you'll want to find when constructing an Arts team more so than Waver imo.
