
Where them ladies at? (Alternative title: Advice needed for the Prisma event)

Hello all,

Perhaps some of you remember me from the question about the Camelot difficulty spike. Here I am again to win some advice for who to panick level for the upcoming Prisma event.

Currently, my top ranked females consist out of:
- Mash lv 60 NP1 9/6/6 max grail HP/Atk (and I'm not likely to complete Camelot before the event)
- Scatchach Assassin lv 50 NP5 1/2/-
- Kiyohime Lv 27 NP4 5/-/- (because I was getting overloaded with low rank EXP cards a while back)

You're all awed be my strength, I'm sure.

My candidates for panick leveling are (all at skil 1/-/-, NP1 unless mentioned otherwise)

Mordred Rider
Boudica NP5
Medea NP4
Hassan of the Serenity NP3
Hassan of the Hundred Personas NP5
Jing Ke NP2
Mata Hari NP5

I'm guessing Mordred Rider, due to abundance of Caster enemies, should be my main target. However, I got Ozy Lv 70 2/2/- and Kintoki Rider Lv 72 NP5 5/6/2 plus an active friendslist with more prepared players, so I'm rather confident my caster slaying abilities. Does that mean I should focus on Euryale and Medea instead. I really hope we have a week in between events, because I'm also facing a dearth of EXP cards, even accounting the golds from the Part 2 shop (which I won't be able to clear anyway, I've been saving up my apples for the Prisma event).

So, what do you guys think?

Asked by Demos Mirak5 years 10 months ago


You don't NEED to play the event with just females. They just get a 50% damage boost which helps. It can still be done without. Would just be harder. That said, I do recommend leveling Mordred rider as her farming capabilities will help you a lot even outside this event.

As for Euryale...its hard to say. You're about to get a welfare servant who is really good and you have to level for the event anyways. So I would skip her. Medea is always useful even outside this event but there will be a CE that boosts arts or buster cards by 50% so it's not a bad idea to level her.


Thanks, so Mordred and Medea could help me a bit when leveled. And I know high level females are not a requirement, but I've heard that getting the Welfare servant to NP5 + all the mats is either hard or extremely tedious to do without.


I'd say it's probably more tedious. Thanks to friend support very few things are truly hard outside of say gimmicks or multi class nodes. I think this event has a raid to it which should still be doable but might take you longer to rack up the points depending on your set up and available servants.

Regardless you should still be able to NP 5 kuro. Might not clear out mats from shop but that's ok since mats are not limited while welfare servant is. Once you get more servants under your belt you'll start planning out which mats you truly need and skip the rest. But if theres pages, always get pages. My God the amount of pages you need for most supports x_x


Euryale is an either or because he hasn't completed Camelot. On one hand Euryale is amazing against a lot of the bosses due to her anti male damage and stuns. On the other, np5 level 80 Kuro can solo (and has soloed) all those bosses


by Neil 5 years 10 months ago

What he said above applies about not needing to exclusively use female servants just the buff is 50% to arts or buster and is very helpful. Unfortunately this hurts both Ushi and Medusa as both have quick nps. This would make surfer Mordred your best choice to focus on by far for the legions of caster enemies (even accounting for friend supports. An extra unit with class advantage always helps). For Kuro herself the best option would be using a friend support that has either Tamamo lancer or brynhild or even Kiyohime lancer.
Oh and if you really want Kuro, my advice would be to ignore everything else in the shop unless it directly helps you get her ascension materials or extra card to np5


Prioritizing the welfare servant (and farming CE's by extension) has always been my go-to strategy for events (the two that I participated in). And I've seen at least 1 Brynhild and multiple Tamamo lancers in my friends list, so that should be fine.
