
Tips to maximize team ability?

I'm f2p, but I nonetheless have a a couple servants that are considered to be pretty good amongst the community (or at least that's how I understand it).
However, I feel as if I'm missing something to make them truly ''shine''.
Is there a team composition that would suit any of these servants? Perhaps certain craft essences (it doesn't matter if I have it or not, but I find it's generally easier to find an alternative CE than an servant)?

Asked by Xolef5 years 10 months ago


Summer Artoria, Waver and Emiya could make for a pretty good NP Spam team. All of them have several Arts cards, increasing the chance of NP chains, and Summer Artoria is already perfect for NP Spamming already. A Formal Wear CE on her to give 25% boost to her Arts Cards would up that even more, and many of Waver's skills also give a small NP boost. Emiya is overall less powerful than someone like Gil or Drake, but his three arts cards would be invaluable alongside Summer Artoria and Waver to help you spam Arts chains.

That team, with the proper management, would allow Artoria to Spam her Noble Phantasm A LOT.

Now two MAJOR drawbacks to this team; one you'd be using double Archers, meaning if you go up against a tough Lancer you could be in BIG trouble. The second is it's built entirely around getting Artoria to NP Spam, so you're really counting on one unit as your main source of damage.


by Haagen 5 years 10 months ago

It seems you have all the pieces for a strong team. I do suggest picking up a strong st saber like nero bride or musashi. Include Mashu in teams as your best servants all have high cost. Try to get tamamo and merlin. I am not sure what teams you typically run, but 2030 and kaleido are typically good ce.


Ridertoki/Atalante + Gilgamesh can cause some serious havoc. I'd probably suggest Quick card up CEs for Toki/Atalante, with a Crit star absorption or Buster up for Gil.

Ridertoki + Atalante work well together to generate tons of crits. Mix well with Mash for defense or Alexander/Waver/Helena for offense. I'd suggest Crit star gen CEs or Quick enhancement CEs for the duo.

Also, you're f2p and have seven SSRs...I could resalt the oceans with my jealousy (I have *one* I didn't buy through paid gacha since I started during Nero event last year.)


by Xolef 5 years 10 months ago

Thanks for the tips! Though I am ashamed to admit it, I got a little too bent on stats and disregarded some of the benefits that some 4* might bring. I'll definitely explore more combinations with them.


You've got two great servants for buster crit teams, gil and raiko. Maybe what you're missing is a proper star generator. Try borrowing a friends Jack and see how you like it. Budget Jack is Fuuma. Once Merlin comes out, he'll really tie that team together. If you manage to get 2 copies of 2030 you're all set


Thanks, I'll see how that combo works out for me! For now though I only have 1 fragment of 2030 so I guess I'll replace the second one with holy maiden leading chaldea (max) since it'll give me a few crit stars per turn as well
