
Halloween 2023 - Tier List Change Log

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  • With the release of the Halloween 2023 Event comes several new Servants:
    • Jacques de Molay
    • Zenobia
    • Elisabeth Bathory (Cinderella)
  • Additionally, several Servants received upgrades since the last change log:
    • Interlude 17
      • Okita Souji
      • Okita Souji (Alter)
    • Halloween Trilogy Ultra Deluxe (PENDING SCORES, Not listed yet)
      • Elisabeth Bathory
      • Elisabeth Bathory (Halloween)
      • Elisabeth Bathory (Brave)
      • Mecha Eli-chan
      • Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II
  • All Servants that were discussed for tier placement or movement are detailed below.
Scoring Method Details

New Tier List Placements

5 Star Servants

Tier B

Jacques de Molay is a Quick AoE Foreigner with solid looping capability due to her two NP charge skills at 20% and 30%, totaling 50% with the option to split the charges if desired. One of her NP charges also applies to all allies. She also benefits particularly from Curse, having a damage bonus against Cursed targets using her third skill, with her NP also inflicting Curse and Curse Damage Up on all enemies. Offensively, she has the trio of ATK, Quick, and NP Damage buffs, and additionally has both Crit Damage and Star Regen buffs along with decent card hit counts. She also has a measure of party support, providing ATK and Crit Damage buffs to all allies. Defensively, she has a 1-turn Invincibility for herself, and for any Evil alignment allies, she gives a 1-time 1-turn Invincibility. She fortunately can also apply Evil trait to all allies with her first skill. She makes for an excellent option with a highly flexible kit suitable for many situations, while still being a capable farmer. She might not often be the best in slot, but she works particularly well in Curse centric teams and excels particularly well if premiere Quick Support such as Skadi is available.

Jacques de Molay: x -> B (Avg Score: 7.75) - [NorseFTX - B+][WhiteRabbit - B][Meliran - C-][Rathilal - B]

4 Star Servants

Tier B

Zenobia is the first non-limited entry into the AoE Arts Archer niche, and her kit allows her to function relatively well in farming applications. To support her looping capability, she has a skill that provides 20% NP Gauge each turn for three turns. Offensively, she has Arts and ATK buffs, bonus damage against King trait enemies, and all of Crit Damage, Stars per turn, self Star Gather, and up to 20 Stars on demand. These make her a relatively competent critical damage dealer as well, despite her Arts Card typing. She also provides support to allies with her ATK buff, along with a relatively minor Crit Rate Resist buff that reduces the chance of sustaining a crit from enemies. Defensively, she has a 1-time, 3 turn Guts, which serves as her hard defensive measure. Overall, Zenobia makes for an excellent AoE Arts Archer for farming applications, and is worth keeping in mind if a Saber with King trait is in the enemy lineup. She is especially effective in the presence of premiere Arts Supports such as Castoria, being capable of looping comfortably.

Zenobia: x -> B (Avg Score: 7.83) - [NorseFTX - B+][WhiteRabbit - B][Meliran - C][Rathilal - B]

Tier A

The welfare of Halloween 2023, Elisabeth Bathory (Cinderella) is an ST Buster Rider, complete with a handy 30% self NP charge, along with a minor NP Gain buff. Her ST NP notably clears all her own debuffs before damage, and provides a small ATK buff for any Fairy Tale trait allies. Offensively, her skill set has a 3-turn Buster and anti-Wild Beast ATK bonus buff, and she can also provide 30 stars on demand at max skill level. Defensively, she has a 3-time, 3 turn Invincibility for herself. On the flip side, each of her skills has a demerit, the most notable one being her third skill's self-inflicted Skill Seal, generally necessitating that Masters use Skills 1 and 2 before Skill 3. The other demerits (self poison, self DEF down) are relatively minor in comparison. Cinder Elly cements herself as an excellent ST Rider Welfare with a handy NP charge skill. She has somewhat steep competition from other ST Rider welfares such as Kintoki Rider, but provides a fair bit of utility that makes her unique.

Elisabeth Bathory (Cinderella): x -> A (Avg Score: 8.83) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A][Rathilal - B+]

Tier List Movements

5 Star Servants

Tier A -> A

Okita gains a gauge charger of her own at 20-30%, improving her otherwise long-underwhelming Weak Constitution skill. Additionally, the skill now grants her a turn of +30-50% Critical Damage, which enhances the value of the Star Gather rate buff from the skill. Overall, the buff provides a generous boost to the ease of use and effectiveness for Okita, although the changes were not quite enough to push her up from her already solid position at A.

Okita Souji: A -> A (Avg Score: 9.08) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A+][Rathilal - A]

Tier B+ -> A

Okita Alter has yet another upgrade, this time for her first skill. It notably improves her NP Damage buff duration to 3 turns, which improves her overall damage in a Koyanskaya looping setup. Additionally, she gets an additional hit of Evade, now lasting 2 times and 3 turns. Finally, she gets an NP Overcharge +2 effect, although minor in practice, since it effectively increases the Buster Resist debuff potency of her NP by 10% after damage. Overall, the turn increase for her damage buff improves her farming performance, especially with the presence of Koyanskaya/Oberon Buster looping setups. It was agreed that she receives a bump up a tier.

Okita Souji (Alter): B+ -> A (Avg Score: 9) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A][Rathilal - A]

4 Star Servants

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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
