
Section 9: The Obsession, Return to the Depths of the Earth (3/3)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 515
QP 5,400
Quest EXP 10,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • At the start of the battle, the following effect will trigger:
    • Demon's Thunderous Descent: Grant all allied Servants' 300% NP Gauge, 30 Critical Stars and 1,000 HP Regeneration every turn. Apply to self: battlefield change to [Burning]. [All Permanent, Unremovable]. *This takes effect before the enemy's NP Gauge drain skill, so only NP2 or higher Servants will have 100% or higher NP Gauge.
  • Master can only choose NPC Demon King Nobunaga as the Support Servant.
  • NPC Demon King Nobunaga: Lv90 NP5 10/10/10; CE: Lv20 Himiko's Leisure.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Massive Ghost - Gold Berserker


  • Battle Start:
    • Swirling Drowsy Thoughts: Decrease all enemies' NP Gauge by 100%. Increase own NP Bar to MAX and increase own DEF by 30% (5 turns).
  • Noble Phantasm:
    • Sacrifice: Deal damage to all enemies and inflict Skill Seal (1 turn).
108,096 50
Massive Ghost - Gold Berserker


  • Break Skill:
    • Temptation to Darkness: Decrease all enemies' Debuff Resist by 20% (5 turns) and inflict Stun on a random enemy (2 turns).
110,798 50
Massive Ghost - Gold Berserker


  • Break Skill:
    • Cry of the Soul: Inflict Curse (300 damage/turn, no turn limit, removable) x5 stacks on all enemies.
126,112 50

Quest Drops

Ghost Lantern x1 300.0%