
Day 3: Eternal Feasting in Paradise (1/2)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 815
QP 8,400
Quest EXP 29,690
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Masters can only bring a total of 2 Servants to this battle, including the Support Servant (Friend Supports are allowed).
  • NPC Bradamante is at level 70, has NP level 1 and Skill level 5/5/-
  • All friendly Servants are inflicted with Electric Current Death Match status:
    • Chance to be Stunned (1 turn) at the end of the turn after attacking with a Quick card [Permanent, Unremovable].
Battle Introduction
Tag-Team Maneuver

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Bradamante
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
94,452 80
Paul Bunyan
  • Break Skill:
    • Tag-Team Maneuver: Mass Production: Increase Critical Rate by 100% (1 time) and Increase NP Gauge by 2 for all allies. Only activated once (whoever is broken first).
102,323 80
Thomas Edison

Lion Man

83,174 80
Thomas Edison

Lion Man

  • Break Skill:
    • Tag-Team Maneuver: Mass Production: Increase Critical Rate by 100% (1 time) and Increase NP Gauge by 2 for all allies. Only activated once (whoever is broken first).
98,620 80

Quest Drops

Quest Reward