
Battle in New York 2024 - Walkthrough

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  • The Battle in New York 2024 event returns after a long hiatus, bringing back the highly challenging Exhibition Quests from previous years! This event also features an Event Shop and an Unlimited Lottery! This is a great opportunity to farm for Skill Gems/QP/Mana Prisms/Friend Points/EXP as well as Ascension Materials: Arrowhead of MaliceGhost LanternMystic GunpowderProof of HeroEvil Bone!
  • There are a total of 4 sets of Exhibition Quests, each bringing their own challenges and special rulesets! Details for Exhibition Quests can be found here.
  • Since Exhibition Quests often have high-HP enemies, consider getting all copies of the Event Damage CE Check Ready from the Lottery's first 5 boxes before attempting them.
  • This event is primarily time gated, with Main Quests and Free Quests unlocking in waves, totalling 3 waves of quests. Note Free Quests from a prior wave will disappear when a new wave begins, so clear all quests before this happens for the clear reward!
  • There are three event currencies (Meteor BurgerGalaxy DogSpace Fries), whose rates are boosted by event gacha CEs (Galaxy KeraunosDoc KykeonSecret Company ASSASSIN).
  • There is also a lottery currency (KoH Lottery Ticket 2024), whose rates are boosted by event shop CE, which can also be obtained at a low rate from Event Free Quests (Cosmo Chaldea High School).
  • There are no event bonus Servants for this event.
  • The Main Quest / Free Quest wave schedule is below:
Date Quests Available
3/15/2024 01:00 - 3/18/2024 20:59 PDT Main Prologue
Wave 1 Free Quests
Mega Coil Exhibitions
Revival 2020 Exhibitions
Revival 2021 Exhibitions
3/18/2024 21:00 - 3/23/2024 20:59 PDT Wave 2 Free Quests
3/23/2024 21:00 - 3/28/2024 20:59 PDT Main Epilogue
Wave 3 Free Quests
Giga Coil Exhibitions
  • Event Bonus CEs will grant a boost to drops for Event Shop currencies or provide a damage boost for Event Quests.
Walkthrough TL;DR

The below is a summary of the general flow of the event. Generally, Main Quests and Free Quests are time gated and unlock on a wave-by-wave basis, with a total of 3 waves. Exhibition quests will also unlock in tandem. The detailed walkthrough provides information about CE suggestions, drops, enemy encounters and gimmicks for each quest.

The overall flow is Main Quests > Message Quests > Free Quests to farm shop currency > repeat, with time gates between individual Main Quest chapters.

Walkthrough Waves 1 - 3:

1) Complete Main Quests available each wave.

2) Clear Free Quests available. Extra AP can be spent on the last Free Quest; the last Free Quest offers the best rates in every wave.

3) Clear Exhibition Quests available. If having difficulty, consider waiting until Damage Bonus CE (from the Lottery Box) are available.

4) Open Lottery boxes! This event's lottery is unlimited, making it one of the best, most AP-efficient times to farm for QP/Mana Prisms/Friend Points/Skill Gems/EXP, and a few select Ascension Materials!

Walkthrough Redirect Shortcut

  • Per community suggestion, moving forward we will provide a handy Latest Walkthrough Redirect page!
    • You can bookmark this page (via right click etc.). This link will automatically redirect you to the latest live NA event's walkthrough!
    • Thanks to Zansin for the suggestion!
  • 3/15/2024 9:00 AM - Fixed Free Quest links to direct to correct Free Quests.

Walkthrough - Wave 1

Quick Navigation
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
# Quest Notes Drops

(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~11min read

Free: 1st Island
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Secret Company, AssassinDoc KykeonCosmo Chaldea Academy
Space FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Galaxy Dog

Free: 1st Continental
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Doc KykeonGalaxy KeraunosCosmo Chaldea Academy
Galaxy DogKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Meteor Burger

Free: 1st Planet
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Space Fries

Free: 1st Galaxy
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Cosmo Chaldea Academy

Free: 1st Space
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best farming area for all shop and lottery currencies, so AP can be spent here.
Since Lottery Boxes are infinite, consider using AP Fruit! This is a good opportunity to farm multiple items including Skill Gems, QP, Mana Prisms, EXP, Friend Points, and select Ascension Materials!
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosDoc KykeonSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerGalaxy DogSpace FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024

Mega Coil 1
(1 AP)
Mega Coil challenges are available!
Servants used in one Mega Coil quest cannot be used for subsequent ones.
Mega Coil quests 1-6 are available initially, while quest 7 unlocks after clearing all 6 other quests.

This quest was originally the Challenge Quest from Summer 2018.

Before attempting Exhibition Quests, it may be a good idea to get all 5 copies of the Damage Boost CE Check, Ready (from the first five Lottery Boxes) to make things easier.

Three waves of extremely high defense Saber Hermit Crabs; use flat damage effects or DoT to punch through their high damage resist!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 2
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from the Amazones Delivery Event.
Defeat the CEO of Amazones and her doppleganger, two Berserkers out to offer a company training sessions!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 3
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Halloween 2019.
Defeat the Archer of Shinjuku and his evil robotic followers! Only the mastermind needs to be defeated to clear this encounter.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 4
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Christmas 2018.
Confront the original Rider-Class Santa Alter and her reindeer! Consider defeating her reindeer quickly so they don't become too problematic.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 5
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Valentine's 2021.
Caster-Class Murasaki Shikibu keeps the peace of the library with the help of her books!
Watch out for the damage resist buffs that the books will provide to Shikibu.A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 6
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from CBC 2021.
Give Moriarty another stab at Holmes in this challenge! Bringing strong single target Avengers is a good idea.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Mega Coil 7
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Summer 2019.
A Swimsuit Summer Servant rush, featuring all 8 Summer Servants from the first Summer event!
They cover classes including Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Ruler.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival: 2020 Exhibitions
(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~5min read

Revival: 2020 Before Awards Ceremony
(5 AP)
A break bar Archer (Gilgamesh) or Caster (Gorgeous P) depending on dialogue option taken. Note that in either case, they will charge their NP to MAX on break use an AoE NP. Have defensive measures ready when their bar breaks!
Story: Pre-battle ~3min read
Post-battle ~2min read

Revival 2020 Exhibition 1
(1 AP)
A rerun of 2020's Exhibition quests are available! The first two exhibition quests unlock on the first day, and two will unlock each day until the finale unlocks. Exhibition quests are optional, offering challenging fights to test the Master's combat knowledge and prowess. In addition, clearing each one will provide 1x Summon Ticket and some ascension materials.

This first match is against Tawara Touta's rice delivery service.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 2
(1 AP)
Leonidas reenacts the 300 Spartan's last stand in exhibition 2!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 3
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/15/2024 21:00 PDT

Face off against Okada Izo, who has constantly adapting card resistance in the 3rd Exhibition.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 4
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/15/2024 21:00 PDT

A battle field change challenge against the denizens of Forest, Fire, and Water!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 5
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/16/2024 21:00 PDT

Caster of Midrash has selected you for her next get-rich-quick scheme.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 6
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/16/2024 21:00 PDT

Battle with Mysterious Heroine X Alter for the best sweets in town!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 7
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/17/2024 21:00 PDT

A grand finale Servant Rush against Nero and friends!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2020 Exhibition 7 - Returns
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/17/2024 21:00 PDT

A higher difficulty version of the same Servant Rush! Mechanics are identical aside from higher HP values.
A guide for this encounter can be found here (NOTE this guide is for the lower HP version, although strategy is largely the same).

Revival: 2021 Opening
(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~4min read

Revival: 2021 Invader
(5 AP)
A single Archer break bar boss, whose HP will depend on dialogue options selected. Choose option B "Little Boy/Girl" for the easier fight. The battle automatically ends after breaking the boss 2 times.
Story: Pre-battle ~2min read
Post-battle ~4min read

Revival: 2021 Age of Ishtarin
(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~3min read

Revival: 2021 Battle in New York
(5 AP)
A single Archer break bar boss that becomes Avenger after break. Their HP depends on dialogue; again, choose the "Little Boy/Girl" option for the easier fight. Note that on break, the boss increases their NP Gauge by 1. They also will have the [Threat to Humanity] trait.
Story: Pre-battle ~3min read
Post-battle ~3min read
Event Completed The next section unlocks 3/18/2024 21:00 PDT.
Free Quests from the first wave will be replaced by a new set of Free Quests for Wave 2! Make sure to clear each Free Quest at least once for the clear reward before the quests change.

Walkthrough - Wave 2 (~Day 5)

Quick Navigation
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
# Quest Notes Drops

Free: 2nd Island
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Secret Company, AssassinDoc KykeonCosmo Chaldea Academy
Space FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Galaxy Dog

Free: 2nd Continental
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Doc KykeonGalaxy KeraunosCosmo Chaldea Academy
Galaxy DogKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Meteor Burger

Free: 2nd Planet
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Space Fries

Free: 2nd Galaxy
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Cosmo Chaldea Academy

Free: 2nd Space
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best farming area for all shop and lottery currencies, so AP can be spent here.
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosDoc KykeonSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerGalaxy DogSpace FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024

Revival 2021 Exhibition 1
(1 AP)
The first 2021 Exhibition match unlocks! One new 2021 Exhibition match will unlock each day, with a total of 7 available.

Unlocks 3/18/2024 21:00 PDT

The 2021 Exhibitions start off with a match against 3 Servants who will switch off the role of attacker and supporter amongst themselves.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 2
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/18/2024 21:00 PDT

A facedown against Eric Bloodaxe; beware the watchful eye of his wife.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 3
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/19/2024 21:00 PDT

The three beautiful Gorgon sisters take the field, keen to charm any males and prey on any females.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 4
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/19/2024 21:00 PDT

After signing a contract with the clown, chase him down!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 5
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/20/2024 21:00 PDT

Accompany Elisabeth Brave in her RPG Quest to defeat the evil Dragon King!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 6
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/20/2024 21:00 PDT

Achilles: Seeking an honorable duel with another man - no class advantage or disadvantage allowed.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 7
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/21/2024 21:00 PDT

Romulus confers ROMA upon all - wait too long, and his Rome will be eternal.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Revival 2021 Exhibition 7 - Triumphus
(1 AP)
Unlocks 3/21/2024 21:00 PDT

The same encounter as the above, except with higher HP values.
A guide for this encounter can be found here (NOTE this guide is for the lower HP version, although strategy is largely the same).
Event Completed The next section unlocks 3/23/2024 21:00 PDT.
Free Quests from the first wave will be replaced by a new set of Free Quests for Wave 3! Make sure to clear each Free Quest at least once for the clear reward before the quests change.

Walkthrough - Wave 3 (~Day 10)

Quick Navigation
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
# Quest Notes Drops

Main: Universe
(5 AP)
A single wave with total 4 enemies: an Archer, Lancer, Assassin, and Saber (85-120k HP).
Each enemy has various minor buffs, the most notable being the Lancer's perma 1-time Guts, and the Assassin's extra 1 NP charge each turn.

No event drops.

Main: Grand Rome
(5 AP)
A single wave with a break bar Saber (58k, 111k HP) accompanied by a Saber, Berserker, and Lancer (52-99k HP).
They inflict various effects based around the Roman trait, and can also inflict Roman trait on the party.

No event drops.

Main: Final Battle
(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~3min read

Main: Space Odysseus
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: Mandatory NPC Support
A lone break bar Rider (99k, 149k, 202k HP).
On 1st break, the boss gets 1 turn of Invincibility whenever using their NP.
On 2nd break, they charge NP to MAX and buff their NP Damage.
Note their NP hits AoE.

No event drops.

(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~2min read

Free: 3rd Island
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Secret Company, AssassinDoc KykeonCosmo Chaldea Academy
Space FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Galaxy Dog

Free: 3rd Continental
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Doc KykeonGalaxy KeraunosCosmo Chaldea Academy
Galaxy DogKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Meteor Burger

Free: 3rd Planet
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerKoH Lottery Ticket 2024
Space Fries

Free: 3rd Galaxy
(40 AP)
Run once for clear reward.
Bonus CEs:
Cosmo Chaldea Academy

Free: 3rd Space
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best farming area for all shop and lottery currencies, so AP can be spent here.
Bonus CEs:
Galaxy KeraunosDoc KykeonSecret Company, AssassinCosmo Chaldea Academy
Meteor BurgerGalaxy DogSpace FriesKoH Lottery Ticket 2024

Giga Coil 1
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Summer 2021.
Assassin-Class Fuuma Kotarou strikes, with the help of his Shadow clone! Be wary that the shadow clone is just as capable of unleashing an AoE NP on the party as the original.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 2
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Akihabara Explosion.
Three waves of terminal hikikkomori, with a Rider, Moon Cancer, and Assassin boss in each wave.
Note each wave has special mechanics!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 3
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Saber Wars 2.
A tired working-class Foreigner appears; burst her down quickly! Alter Egos are particularly effective.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 4
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Valentine's 2023.
Archer-class Orion comes with special damage resistance against Females during their first break bar for this encounter!
Be wary, during their second and third break bar encounters, the boss gains evade against Male and attempts to charm Female party members.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 5
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Fate/Requiem Collab.
Do battle with keeper of Evil Spirits, Lancer-Class Utsumi Erice! She gains extra damage resist for every Evil Spirit (always Assassin-Class) she summons on the field.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 6
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from GUDAGUDA Final Honnoji.
Fight Berserker Shibata Katsuie and his ever-stacking Defensive and Damage Cut buffs each turn!
Burst him down as quickly as possible!
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

Giga Coil 7
(1 AP)
Originally the Challenge Quest from Waltz Grail Concert Collab.
Face down against the pretty boy squad of five, all with two HP bars. Three are Saber, while the others are Caster and Assassin.
A guide for this encounter can be found here.

(5 AP)
Note the Challenge Quest will unlock after the Epilogue and requires Final Singularity Solomon to be cleared.
A single wave with three break bar enemies: An Archer (304k, 359k, 400k), another Archer (261k, 307k), and a Caster (225k, 265k HP).
Tesla grants his allies a debuff that gives the party 5 Stars when they are normal attacked.
Every turn, if Tesla is alive, he gains NP Gauge depending on how many Crit Stars the party has, and can get MAX NP Gauge if there are 40 or more stars at the end of the turn.

Tesla's first break gives him a chance to inflict Stun with normal attacks.
Tesla's 2nd break stuns and removes defensive buffs from a target.

Gilgamesh's break gives him a 90% Buster Resist buff, and ATK/NP Damage/Ignore Invincible/Max NP Gauge buffs. Note his buffs are removable.

Gilgamesh Caster's break gives him a 90% Arts Res buff, DEF/Crit Rate/Crit Damage buffs.

A guide with a full list of details for this battle can be found here.
Event Completed Congratulations! All Main Quests are completed! Masters can continue farming to clear the Event Shop, Lottery Boxes, and to continue receiving Valentine's gifts from Servants! Check out the Quick Farming Guide for details on drop rates.

Exhibition Quest Guides

  • Exhibition Quests return from previous years! These are high-difficulty challenges that offer lucrative awards on clear.
  • A total of four sets with 7 quests each are available, with special rules.
  • Mega Coil:
    • Servants used in one Mega Coil quest cannot be used again for another Mega Coil quest.
    • No Friend Supports are available.
    • The 7th Challenge Quest only unlocks after clearing all six other quests.
    • You can reset Servants used if necessary.
  • Tesla Coil:
    • Same rules as Mega Coil, although the Servant pool for Mega Coil is different from Tesla Coil, so you can use a Servant even if they have been used in the Mega Coil quests.
    • Note Tesla Coil doesn't unlock until after the Epilogue for the Main Quests (~Day 10).
  • Revival 2020 + Revival 2021:
    • These are the Exhibition Quests from prior years, where Masters have an opportunity to attempt them with their newest roster additions!
    • No duplicate Servants are allowed.
  • Detailed Challenge Guides can be found on the Exhibition Quests page!

Event Bonus Servants

* No Event Bonus Servants.

Event Bonus CEs

Name How to Obtain Event Bonus

Galaxy Keraunos 5★
Event Gacha Meteor Burger +1 (MLB: +2)

Doc Kykeon 4★
Event Gacha Galaxy Dog +1 (MLB: +2)

Secret Company, Assassin 3★
Event Gacha
Friend Point Gacha
Space Fries +1 (MLB: +2)

Check, Ready 5★
Event Lottery Reward (x5)
Lottery Box #1-5 Grand Prize
Buff_Damage +100% (MLB: +200%)

Cosmo Chaldea Academy 5★
Event Shop (x4)
Meteor Burger x400 (2)
Galaxy Dog x200 (1)
Space Fries x200 (1)

Quest Drop (Rare)
KoH Lottery Ticket 2024 +1 (MLB: +2)

Should I Use Apples?

  • Yes, this event features an unlimited lottery, which is one of the best times to spend AP fruit due to high returns for Skill Gems/QP/Mana Prisms/Friend Points/EXP and several Ascension Materials.
  • Natural Regen AP will be approximately 3970 AP throughout the event.
  • Clearing the full Main Quest line and clearing each quest at least once requires 620 AP.
  • For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments; EXP + 3* Fous will clear regardless in most cases), this will take approximately 4020 AP.
  • For a full Event Shop clear including monuments, this total reaches 5280 AP to clear everything.
  • The amount of AP required can be reduced with more copies of Event CEs. Additional copies of 4* or 5* CEs must be obtained in the gacha, while 3* CEs can be obtained in the Friend Point Gacha (at a low rate).
  • Assumptions for the above AP costs (uses "first timer worst case scenario with no FP Gacha luck", AP reduced if more bonus available):
    • Up to +0 Meteor Burger: Non-MLB Friend Support Galaxy Keraunos.
    • Up to +0 Galaxy Dog: Non-MLB Friend Support Doc Kykeon.
    • Up to +0 Space Fries: Non-MLB Friend Support Secret Company ASSASSIN.
    • Up to +5 KoH Lottery Ticket 2024: Non-MLB Support Cosmo Chaldea High School + 4x Event Shop Copies
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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.