
[Super Ultra High Difficulty] Revival Grand Finale: Prototype (Nero Claudius) (Revival)

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 915
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

This is the original version of the 2018 Nero Fest Finale, before the nerf to the encounter as it was allegedly too difficult to clear at the time. All Masters now have the opportunity to attempt this harder version (armed with Merlin)!

This quest can be attempted as many times as the player would like even after completion. However, drops and rewards will only be given upon first completion.

See below for an in-depth guide on this encounter!

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Jack the Ripper

Upon Entry: Decrease Buff Success Rate on all front line Servants (3 times).
Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with HP regen (15,000 per turn). Removable.

156,044 80

On First Turn: Inflicts poison (1,000 damage per turn for 10 turns). Removable.
Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with Defense up. (Unremovable)

207,432 70
Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)

Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with NP charge regen (increase NP charge per turn by 1). (Unremovable)

235,220 80
Amakusa Shirou

Upon Entry: Inflicts debuff - Decrease Max HP of all front line Servants by 2,000 (10 turns). Removable. He also can continue using this skill during his turns, and the effect stacks.
Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with increased Critical rate. Removable.

168,336 80

Upon Entry: Recovers own HP by 3400 (no effect since his health is full upon entry). Increases own Attack and Defense by 44% (5 turns). Removable.
Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with Sure Hit. (Unremovable)

274,475 75
Nero Claudius

Upon Entry: Casts Guts on self (Recover 89,322 HP upon death, 3 times), increase own critical rate and critical strength. (Unremovable)
Upon Death: Buffs allies including sub-members with Guts (either 10 times or unlimited). (Unremovable)

446,614 80

Quest Reward