
Best Defense Team Ever...

Just want to share with you. The core units are Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, and Brave Roy. The 4th unit is ideally a high attack green unit with WoM. This team has earned me 20+ defense wins in just two days... Here's the lineup and their skills from left to right:

Brave Lyn
-Brave Bow+
-Swift Sparrow 2
-Cancel Affinity 3
-Atk Smoke 3
-Attack seal

-Dire Thunder
-Death Blow 3
-Wings of Mercy 3
-Hone Cavalry
-Quicken Pulse

Brave Roy
-Blazing Durandal
-Fury 3
-Desperation 3
-Savage Blow 3
-Speed seal

Note 1: I used Brave Ike with DC and WoM as my 4th unit, but he's not a must-have. Cherche, Nino, and other green units with high attack and WoM worked just fine.

Note 2: The basic idea is that Brave Roy will be baited by the enemy. Due to his high speed nature and Reinhardt's hone cavalry, Brave Roy will double most units and survive even a strong blue counter attack. He then activates Galeforce and takes another turn to mess up opponent's deathless runs. Also, keep in mind that since Reinhardt and the 4th green unit both have WoM, they can teleport to a damaged Brave Roy and help surprise and kill enemies. Since Brave Roy has Savage Blow, foes are already chipped down and are easier to kill by your WoM units.

Note 3: Cancel affinity + Brave bow works surprisingly well on Brave Lyn for defense purposes, although I've found that firesweep bow + cancel affinity are similarly effective.

For the people who decide to give it a try, please let me know how it works for you!

Asked by RyomaLobster6 years 9 months ago


Congratulations on ruining 20+ people's day. Seriously, that sounds just awful to play against.


I sure hope it is challenging for people who have played against it. Personally, I like to play against challenging teams that get me thinking... But yeah, this team is ridiculous. I just got another 6 wins in the last 3 hours.


Oh I completely agree that facing challenging teams and overcoming them is satisfying. I do the same, but I tend to go with infantry teams. I get a bit more satisfaction (for some reason) when I don't use horses or any emblem for that matter.

Here's my current defense team. I have two other Lucina's, and I'll be merging them because I love that unit (neutral, +Def/-spd, +Def/-atk). Not sure which to go with yet. An enemy phase +Def lucina sounds nasty.

Eirika usually has Rally Def/Res, but I was using Recip for TT healing, and she uses the Distant Def seal since she's my DC unit.


Nice, mate! I see that you have killed many horses. xD Brave Lucina is very good. She's a solid lance duelist AND a great support unit. She also has good weight in the arena to help with scoring. Have fun merging!


I do enjoy seeing those horse emblem master race users pop up, not gonna lie...haha

It does get me wondering what gives them issues. I'm assuming it's just map layouts that could get tricky with my comp, but I feel like horses should do fine against my squad (horse comps are hard to beat when I'm on offense with this setup after all).


I don't understand, either... You have no WoM on any of them, and Kagero doesn't have an advantage over horses... But hey, if it works, it works!


Cancel affinity means any defense well built armor Dc can counter her. With her vanilla raven tomes+Ta kick her ass. Personally I prefer her own skill as it is already there, and not many ppl have good raven builds.

That's a pretty solid defensive team, but I dont get why ppl want to make it so good after the first defense win u wont get anything, u will just give people headaches.


I should have mentioned that my particular Lyn is +atk -res. With neutral def, she can soak 61 physical damage at +10, which is enough to allow her to survive a hit by +atk Hector at +10 even with an attack seal. So yeah, most DC units die to her even though they counter her. And, it is actually great if they counter her because then she will drop below 50% hp and my WoM units (Reinhardt and the green unit) will come to finish the job.

Without merge, however, Brave Lyn will prefer her usual b-skill.


I forgot to explain why I tried to make a good defense team. First, designing a good defense team gives me satisfaction since it requires thinking. Second, I personally like to play against challenging teams in the arena because that actually got me thinking in terms of my positioning and gameplay. So, I create good teams to provide challenges to people to conquer. Coincidentally, I have received quite a few friend requests after using this team.


Horses are very well managed by the IA because h=of it's "charge" command ;)

But it's a bit too nasty to applaud ! I never let any horse emblem win against me. Even if I already lost an unit against them xD

By the way, I used to score between 4 and 8 defenses per session with Camus, Hector, Sonya, BONUS unit, every week.

But with the bonus of this week being Ike... I scored 18 defenses last session (582 defense score) !
Which means probably every player that met my team in Arena got stopped... lol

I think you need a score of 696 average to meet my team (T20). So careful boiiiz !


I should use some of the lower BST units to try to meet your team. xD What's your ID? Let me add you.

I wanted to make a good team because 1) it excites me to put in the thought process to design a good team; 2) I personally like to play against challenging teams, so I want to do the same so that people feel good conquering my team. I actually received quite a few friend requests after using this team, haha.

And yes, I always try to finish the horse emblem even if one of my units is dead because... I use horses myself! So I have to assume that most of my wins actually come from defeating the opponent, which makes it all the sweeter... I'm evil, muahahaha


I'd actually love to run into this team, as much as I don't like risking a run, I love it when Arena teams actually make me think and have to play properly. Now you just need a green dancer and we're donezo.

But honestly, with the new Brave heroes, I just removed my Arena Defence team slot and set my synergized Arena Offense team as my defence team. Ended up with about 6-7 wins on the first day.

I still prefer my old strat though. I used to put Reinhardt(No assist), Camus(Reposition), Olivia, and Bonus to get at least one win early on, then I would immediately switch to an Effie team with a five star Brave Lance Effie as the lead and three level 1 four star Effie's with no weapons or skills, just Smite.
Made me laugh everytime :)


I completely empathize with you! I like playing against challenging teams, and I am actually getting more friend requests after using this team - seems like others appreciate the challenge as well.

Those four Effie are surely a secure way to troll and get defense wins!


Very nice. I usually switch out my cheap defense team (lots of Wings of Mercy nukes) after my first 500+ win and go with my most unusual builds. I like the idea of fielding a ton of one hero more - nice army of Effies.


I once ran into a team of Hectors. 4 Hectors, all at +10. That was the most beautiful moment.
