
200k+ feathers help!?

so right now I have enough feathers to start building a new unit.
since I already have an arena core team I want to focus on AR defense since offense is easy cause AI is dumb

so I would like to know what units you people recommend to +10 for AR (I would like to try Infantry Pulse team since I gave it to my donnel he is +10 but hasnt had much use cause no B duel skill) but any unit can be recommended as long its 4-3 star

Asked by MultiDracoKiller5 years 2 months ago


You want things that can run galeforce, things like Raven.


by Deef 5 years 2 months ago

When it comes for AR, i think superiour options are
Galeforce units (Cordelia, Naesala, Oscar, Roderic, etc) hyper fast flier/cav or infanrty units, preferably running firesweep +LnD+draw back/lunge+HB
Armors - to stall enemy for 7 turns, as tanky as you can get, namely Sheena, Gwendolyn, Zephiel. You need both high def and res on em, no need for DC there, ward armor set ups are greatly appreciated
Buffbots- both Titanias, Seth who can buff up all stats and smite galeforce unit.
Aversa, strong unit who will be great on AR defence and offence (mostly offence tho, as AI can't use her properly)
( with a bit of investment she can be like this)


Maybe hawkeye, seliph, or fir. I saw them solo my defense team

A cav galeforcer may also be a good pick.


Seliph is a clever pick for AR def, but I'm not convinced he needs merges because a lot of his power comes from the miracle gimmick on his prf refine.

Fir is too easy to shut down using guard.

Cavalry galeforcers are good picks for offense, not so much for defense unless it's L.Ephraim or L.Eirika. I don't think the others have enough firepower.


by Seeker 5 years 2 months ago

If you're willing to try stalling setups, you might consider Azama. Give him fortress def+res, guard, and witchy wand (guard because someone might use null C-disrupt and he doesn't want to die before the anti-special effect kicks in).

Something like a max-merged wary fighter Gwendolyn with Svalinn shield might work. Maybe stay away from axes because a lot of Aversas use axebreaker.

A number of players have experienced good results using flier teams stacking wards, so you could consider someone like Cherche (who is also quite effective off flier teams as well). Other good fliers include Shigure (except you'll probably want him as ward fliers fodder), Camilla, maybe Est (but you need to know what you're doing because she's not that dangerous without the prf effect)...


Oh also, wait until we find out what the new refines and units will be in a couple of days. They're probably going to shake the meta up a little. Not a ton, but a bit.
