
Armor Team Options

I'm stuck in a dilemma. Do I use a +res -def Duma, or a +def - hp H!Jakob with brave bow (armored boots seal) (no bold fighter fodder yet). The others are a + 5 Black Knight (with armor march, close def seal), +1 M!Grima (+def -hp, Bracing stance Vengeful fighter, Distant def seal), +1 L!Tiki (+def - hp, Aether, quick riposte seal). Im leaning towards duma but i don't know. Also how's your luck on Roy's banner. I got to hrid's, L!Roy and adrift corrin, im happy.

Asked by Hi89m5 years 2 months ago


I mean, your H! Jakob has better IVs, but it seems that you didn't build him at all (aside from his base kit, which isn't that great TBH), so I would go for Duma.

Didn't summon on Roy's banner.
