
Better Galeforce Sibling

Between Eirika and Ephraim, which legendary version is the better Galeforce unit? I know Ephraim gets a guaranteed double and can proc Galeforce when running Heavy Blade (if he gets attacked), but Eirika has Heavy Blade in her weapon and her speed is much higher than Ephraim that she can double just based on being faster, and thus proc Galeforce (if she gets attacked). Do both have their place as a Galeforce unit, or is one better over the other? (I do have both, btw. Eirika is +Atk/-Res and Ephraim is +Def/-Spd)

Asked by vgmaster025 years 2 months ago


I think they're both fantastic Galeforce units. I only have Eirika, so a bit biased lol. But I do see Ephraim alot in AR, seems popular and very effective. They each have different areas where they shine, as you mentioned, so I don't think one is better than the other for all cases.

One nice thing about Eirika is that she basically has more skill options available, since Ephraim needs to use Heavy Blade. So she can run QP, to proc Galeforce against ranged units, and still have a free A slot to help with stats. I use Fury in AR, because it let's her get into Wings of Mercy range more easily.

TLDR: Both are great, can't say either is in all cases better. You luckily have both, they seem like they would make a great AR team together!


Could L!Hector make for a good tank unit? If so, then Ostia's Pulse would set both of them down to 4 charge for Galeforce, so both would have it active on ranged units, and saves Eirika's seal slot for something else.

Idk how a team of HS!Micaiah, L!Eirika, L!Ephraim, L!Hector, and Eir would be. Double Galeforce units, WoM Micaiah, tank Hector, and Eir XD (idk what role she is, so she's just Eir)


L.Hector would work great with them. I couldn't fit him on my regular AR offense team, but I did use him instead of Eir when he was a bonus unit. Ostia's pulse is just awesome for galeforcers.

Sounds like a great team to me! Maybe throw some ploys in there to help debuff, and you'd be good to go. And yeah Eir is almost obligatory it seems lol, for bonus unit and light blessing. I give mine smite or repo to help get the Galeforce going.


by Seeker 5 years 2 months ago

ooh...this one is really hard. I'm not sure one is better than the other. Eirika has consistency in special charges but not in doubles (it's possible to block her double by being fast enough); Ephraim has consistency in doubles but heavy blade can go wrong. I don't have Eirika, but I do have more than a bit of experience with being unable to get heavy blade activations when I need them, either because the target is too squishy or has too much raw atk. Against teams heavy in ranged units I think Eirika might be better because that kind of team often has really high atk (ex: Ophelia) and if she needs to tank a dancer at the end, she generally does it better than Ephraim because she can probably survive a hit from a Y.Azura or a non-TA L.Azura (or a lot of other stuff) but Ephraim is likely to get doubled and die. Against flier balls and armours I think Ephraim might be more comfortable because he tanks counterattacks to his def more easily and the forced double can crack wary fighter, plus I think he can potentially hit harder?

Sometimes the question will be settled by what colours you need to or can cover using the unit that isn't the legendary cavalier(e).
