
+Spd Hrid merge or DC fodder ?

Both my Hrids are +Spd (one is -Atk and the other is -Hp). I really like his playstyle but I don't know if I should merge him or fodder off DC since the merge would not add much viability to him (the +Spd/-Hp one is more or less a neutral Hrid anyway).

If I choose to fodder, I have some DC candidates :
- A +Def Myrrh who's merged to +1.
-Ares (+Atk and soon to be +10) who would be quite good with vantage and Brazen Atk/Def seal but I fear it would not be enough to OHKO the many powercreeped new units.
-A +Def/-Spd Keaton (but maybe he would be better with a cheaper build).
-A +Res A!Tiki that I really like (I run her with lightning breath and Steady Breath but she might be good with her legendary weapon and DC).
-Zephiel who could be quite good with his refine and could possibly be +10.
-W!Chrom who I could merge to +3.

I would prefer to fodder off DC to ftp units who I could merge up to +10 in order to maximize DC's profitability (maybe Gwendolyn, Oboro, Sheena etc.) so if I forgot other good DC candidates please do tell me. I also have one spare OG Hector so I have 2 DC fodders.

If anyone is willing to help me make my decision, I'd be grateful.

Asked by Elemire5 years 2 months ago


I would definitely fodder.
I have a +def -spd hrid myself but im still gonna fodder once the 4 skill inheritance update comes around.

There's already a lot of strong red cavs to pick from so I think using the ones with less spectacular fodder is preferable.


As he is such a beast, I would merge him. + they are other fodders for this skill less limited than him. But that's only what i'd do. At least, merge one to get ride of the bane and one for fodder?
