
Is takumi still worth using

I’m f2p and this takumi is the only takumi I have. I built him cuz I rmemebee him being crazy strong but now he just feels lacking. I’ve tried using him in battles and he just feels very meh, not super offensive or defensive and I use a lot of all-around type units and all of them feel better at their jobs than takumi.

I just finished building +atk Leon. With a brave bow he has 44 attack, same as my takumi. This doesn’t include the extra attack Leon gets from death blow 3. And if I need a fast archer, I have my free Brave Lyn.

So I’m basically asking: keep this takumi in case I want to use him or just dump him for close counter. I have a build for Jakob of all characters that uses close counter, focusing on using rogue dagger, seal speed, and the seal attack sacred seal. I’m nowhere close to the feathers for this build but still

Asked by GrantPart26 years 3 months ago


by TG15 6 years 3 months ago

So +SPD-RES...

If you want to use him, he would be a good niche unit in AA against Brave Lyn. All he literally needs is a bowbreaker 3 from setsuna and he’s set. And take it from me, there are never enough Brave Lyn counters in the world.


by Jose 6 years 3 months ago

Takumi doesn't have that much to make him stand out anymore. I had 3 at one point with bad or meh IV's. I used one for a bit, but they were evetually all sacked for close counter and I'm not regretting it. (personal fav is CC Vantage Jaffar with his new dagger). I say start your Jakob.


If you want to use him, then go ahead and invest. There's nothing wrong with investing in a unit. Just be sure that you know what role he fills. Many people tend to use units and once they fail at a role that they're not necessarily built for, then they say they're trash, like people with Florina, NY!Corrin, etc.


by Moshi 6 years 3 months ago

I never had takumi when he was OP, but then I summonned for him as I wanted CC for Boey.
Since them I summonned 2 more as I find CC build so fun.

Boey and Saizo are my current CC users and I don't regret it at all. I don't think takumu is that good anymore, but I'm happy I have a spare one so I can in the future do more CC builds.
