
What are your summoning plans?

I tried to get down my pity rate on the legendary first and got granted with my sixth F Grima together with Adrift M Corrin. Seems like F Grima really wants to get merged and built up into a monster.

After that I decided to pass on the legendary and anniversary banner and tried once more to get Selkie. You know the moment getting pity broken in a good way? Well I got it by CYL3 number one girl (+Atk/-Spd) and I don't even care about the bane because I will just merge my +4 Micaiah into her. <3

In the end with 25 Orbs left, I finally got Selkie! Sadly with not good IVs (+Def/-Spd) but I'm happy I finally got her and there will be always another time for a Selkie focus banner. I still have no Duma or HS Xander but I'm happy what I've got and will keep my Orbs for now and will probably skip the binding blade banner.

What are your plans? Are you trying to get anything else on the current banners or are you waiting for the binding blade, the next mythic banner or even longer and hoarding orbs until your most wanted unit shows up in FEH?

Asked by Tymerion5 years 2 months ago


by KGNova 5 years 2 months ago

Cool you got Selkie! My plans for later include saving the most amount of orbs I can until another Leo comes out. I will wait for my boi to come on another banner.


With all this sadness from not getting L!Azura, nothing is going to stop me from getting merges for H!Kagero in March’s LB. Need to save orbs for merges. But for now, I’m just gonna summon a bit on the LB for HS!Xander or Surtr.


Alm Alm Alm Alm Alm Alm Alm Alm Alm


I wait for other banners for the moment. The beast banner took all my orbs.

My wishlist:
Innes, sadly I have no orbs for him right now :(
Special spiral fodder
Atk spd solo fodder
Some L!Ike merges
Saber so I can merge him and maybe have better IVs
+atk Niles so I wait a good colourless focus

I will try to save some orbs too for units I like or CYL3. :)


I will probably try to skip loads of banners, and then end up spending my orbs anyway... because they release a new power-creep or alt version of a character that i really like... then i find myself pity-broken after investing 150 orbs, spend some money to get new orbs, hate myself for it, roll again, get what i wanted and tell myself that i'm going to skip banners and save orbs for the future...rinse and repeat (story of my life)


None. Right now I'm back to gathering up orbs.

Finished with Legendary banner after the Hríd pull, and skipping the new hero banner since I had no history with BB. Also, already having Alm kept me from wanting to summon on the new Sweep banner. For now, let's see what the next Mythic banner gives before I decide to do that.


I've been saving since during CYL3 voting because I want to get Brave Micaiah copies as soon as she comes out. I'll be summoning a little when Bridal banners return, because I want to get my Bride Ninian to +5, but other than that I'm trying to save all summer. We'll just have to see how resolute I can be lol.

Though if a Soleil summer alt comes out everything is going to the dogs.


I'm currently saving orbs for when Spring Sharena comes back for the spring season! :D

(And praying to God that Bulge!fonse doesn't pity break me like he did last year...)


Save 'till June so I can get my last five F!Grima merges. Should have enough by then, hopefully. Maybe use some orbs with the summon tickets if there's someone I want, but otherwise my roster is in a pretty good place at the moment.


Saving for March's Mythic hero, hoping it's a cool Astra unit.
If not and it's a Dark mythic, then I'll try to pick up WAH! and/or an Eir to get rid of the bane on my +atk-spd and then save for Fjorm merges for arena and for the inevitable Astra mythic in may.


by af1899 5 years 2 months ago

You got great pulls!, recently I've been yolo summoning for 3☆/4☆ chars I don't care (even on L!Roy's banner) but I hope that changes this month, as there are some promising banners such as the FE6 (hope Idunn is GHB so I'd be safe for the others) and the mythical of this month.

So, my plans are like this:
* Assuming Idunn is going to be GHB I'd snipe green for Sonya in the refines banner.
* Probably summon a few full rounds on the mythical banner this month, dunno there's a good chance I'll end up yolo summoning tbh.

...BUT if that is not true then I'd snipe for Idunn hoping I don't need to invest my 200 orbs for her.

Anyways only time can tell, just hope it turns out good!.
