
Best DPS to farm 0-2?

Using corpse drag

Asked by Nitroplus5 years 7 months ago


by Mechty 5 years 7 months ago

Until fairies come, the best ARs you can use are Sopmod, 416 and FAL. When fairies come G11 will overtake them.

AR-15 is a good start before you can have better DPS like Type 97 or G11.
Usually I'll go with Type 97 + FAL (semi nuke) and G11 + AR-15 for DPS but I'm unable to get my G11 yet.
You can also use Type 97/AR-15 or G11 to solo if you can give them T-dolls buff focused, not recommended since you need to leveling different types of T-dolls, especially SG and MG.
Avoid high damage nuke such as Sop 2 or 416 since they can't target the largest group of enemies unless synchronized well.