
Which pistol should I use?

So I’m making a shotgun-machinegun-pistol echelon that consist of pk, m2hb, mg5 and type 97. Then I have a choice of either makarov or grizzly. Which is better or is there a better option then those two.

Asked by Smiling Jester5 years 7 months ago


by Mechty 5 years 7 months ago

If your squad will have 3 MGs, then the best choice of HG is Mk23. Between Grizzly and Makarov, Grizzly is way better for MGs.

Well if those are literally your only two options then Grizzly would be the better choice of the two. MG's only benefit from RoF is reload speed and if you learn to properly reload cancel with them it becomes a completely irrelevant stat. Makarov's enemy accuracy debuff also isn't going to help your SG tank in the slightest since they aren't going to be dodging anything anyway.

That out of the way though if you do have other options then I'd say the best current option is SAA. MG's need both damage AND accuracy to make up for their poor base accuracy. SAA provides both along with a damage boosting skill. Her aura does mean you'll have to move one of your MGs forward but tbh, the only thing a SG actually needs is Armour so losing one of your MGs buffing your SG's damage isn't going to cost you anything significant.

In terms of future T-Dolls though K5 will replace SAA.