
[JP News] 10/28 Stream Recap!

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Hi Friends! The JP community just dropped another livestream, and there’s a lot of super exciting news this time! Do keep in mind that all of these updates are for the JP version at the moment, and that the Global version will be getting them at a later date. There’s some really massive spoilers for the future, so turn back now if you don’t want to be spoiled! Click here for a link to the livestream archive if you want to watch the whole thing. 

Auto Replay

A functionality to automatically replay stages will be added very soon! That’ll sure be convenient for farming Events and those elusive Story Cards from the Main Story.

New Story & New Characters

The new characters for the next chapter of Hifuu LostWord have been announced. This time around, the Watatsuki sisters (as well as their pet, Reisen, the not-Udongein one) will be showing up - I wonder, is that a gumball staff Toyohime’s carrying? 

Additionally, in a truly shocking turn of events, the new story will feature versions of Reimu and Marisa that appear to have been inspired by their PC-98 designs. Don’t know what that is? We’ll have a primer up on it soon! I wonder if this means we’ll see PC-98 characters in the future - perhaps at last, we can have Mima.

Finally, Chapter 3 will be reaching its conclusion in November. It’s going to be a real nail biter, that’s for sure. Will Youmu and the others receive a happy ending? Or will this tale end in tragedy? Perhaps somewhere in the middle...

New Ultra Festival

This time around, Watatsuki no Yorihime is getting the Ultra Festival treatment. She’s been advertised as a high-performance unit with wide-ranged Killers, team support, and Barrier Break potential. She looks super cool too, check out her intro below!

New Festival Series

A new type of Festival unit was announced as well. It seems we’re getting new versions of the incident resolvers, all based on their appearances in past games. You can now have a team with four Marisas or Youmus in it...perhaps one day, we’ll see the legendary All Youmu team. Which of the six are you looking forward to the most? I know I’m personally hyped to pick up Youmu. 

As a fun fact, the reason Sanae’s hair is short here is it’s always short in the games. For some reason, the fandom at large has simply decided she has long hair, and thus she’s almost always drawn with long hair. This is even the case in the print works!

See? Totally short.

New Costumes

A whopping six new costumes were shown off - the Youkai Grassroots Network trio (Sekibanki, Wakasaghime, Kagerou) will be receiving new costumes based on the most recent event in JP. Additionally, Seiran and Ringo will be getting costumes based on their Hifuu LostWord appearances. Finally, Okina will, at long last, get her school uniform teased all the way back in chapter 1 - it’s about time, but it was well worth the wait.

Additionally, the alternate costume series was shown off as well, including the recently added Chen outfit. Isn’t her tabard just adorable? I love the kitty paws - they say cat’s got your tongue, but Chen’s got my heart with her cuteness.

Fantasy Rebirth News

The Fantasy Rebirth costumes for Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Star Sapphire, and Seiran were shown off. I have to say, Seiran looks rather dashing in that uniform, and the fairies have some real cute flower crowns and baskets!

Additionally, Kanako, Byakuren, Luna Child, and Star Sapphire will be getting their Fantasy Rebirths on 10/29 for JP.

Lastly, Rei’sen and Lily White will be the next units to be receiving rebirths!

New MV

Finally, a music video with Kaguya and Reisen was shown off. It’s pretty cute! You can check it out in the video posted above. There was also a preview for a new music video featuring Sanae, which will be fully released in November.
