
Should You Pull? Prayer “Perfect Ghost of Spring Festival”

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Article by Kairyu
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Should You Pull?

Probably. The ghostly princess returns with a vengeance, seeking to undo the bonds holding her eternally sleeping ‘friend’ beneath the Youkai tree. Woe befall any who dare try to stop her…from entering your Friend Box and making herself comfortable.

Yuyuko functions similarly to another stellar friend. Ran (Cherry Blossom) also enables Yin teams with powerful Spirit P, Accuracy, Yin ATK and Crit ATK buffs. Where she most notably differs from Yuyuko is her ability to provide Agility buffs, which complement a higher range of characters through Slicing scaling. Yuyuko, in comparison, enables Hard scaling, which not as many Yin Friends are currently able to utilize to their maximum potential (though this may change in future). Her Last Word also suffers from some divisions in terms of Elements (3 Wood and Water) versus Ran, who has a focused 6 Metal.

Having said that, this does not diminish her ability of fulfilling a solid role in Yin teams. While she may have stronger competition within the field, players who lack Ran (also a somewhat rarer character), or who simply want more Friends who perform the same task witha twist will benefit from having the Ghost Princess of the Netherworld within their ranks. In addition, this Prayer offers an ascending Step UP, making a single 60 God Crystal pull an incredibly attractive offer.

Running alongside her are Tojiko, Futo and Miko from the L1 Universe, with Tojiko being a new addition to the swelling ranks of Standard Pool Friends. They don’t quite hold a candle to Yuyuko in terms of the meta, and should be considered for collectors or Waifu lovers looking to add their favourites to their ranks.

Quick Overview

Yuyuko is a great support Friend who fills her team with energy while enabling Yin teams to do their best against tier enemies.

Provides Accuracy and Spirit P support

⅔ of Yuyuko’s Spell Cards provide her teammates Spirit P, while her second Skill gives them even more. Her third Skill boosts team Accuracy, covering their basics for a clean offense.

Powerful Yin support

Yuyuko’s skills and Spell Cards all contribute some measure of Yin ATK, Crit ATK and Yin DEF (useful for Hard scaling). She can further augment these stats by Boosting and Grazing, which increase the party’s Yin DEF and Yin ATK by 1 per level respectively.

Low cooldowns on skills

Yuyuko’s first and third skills both have a 3 turn cooldown, while her second skill has a 4 turn cooldown, allowing her to reapply buffs on her team swiftly.

Low Hard scaling

Yuyuko’s second Spell Card and Last Word all feature some measure of Hard scaling. Unfortunately these numbers are relatively modest, with 2 lines of 20% each on her second Spell Card and 30% on her first line on her Last Word. Her Last Word also has some Agility scaling, though her stats aren’t high enough to make good use of it.

Division of bullet types and elements on Last Word makes it difficult to optimize

Yuyuko’s Last Word is a mix of Water and Wood elements, while her bullet types are divided between Laser and Energy. With no cards available that boost all these traits at once, players will have to decide which elements and bullets they want to focus on improving with Story Cards.

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About the Author(s)

Writer. Event Organizer. People Person. Focused on growing the local Touhou scene while contributing content to larger online communities. I copywrite for a living. Reach out to me at Kairyu#2386 on Discord to discuss any work you'd like done for yourself or your organization.
