
Is Lucretia worth summoning?


Asked by Aygis5 years 5 months ago


Are you f2p or a goldfish? If you are, check if you have Hildegarde. If you do not, roll.
If you are a dolphin or a whale, she is not gamebreaking. Not one of the must haves, but very powerful, and good support. Playstyle is like Naveed, spam her second skill, use her first skill. Gonna be good for longer battles, but for short battles, she won't be able to go at max potential.

Word on the Discord server is that someone got her to 50 nodes shortly after the banner started and that she's capable of something like a 40k hit, which I think is the highest damage I've ever heard of. So, you know. There's that.

by 3DEric 5 years 5 months ago

She's really awesome. Every skill she have is an atk buff thanks to her ability 1. In fact, her 2nd skill is an autobuff of 30% for 10" (+10% during 5" more) + 2 energized lvls... That's a huge damage output when you reach the 5th energized lvl.
(and her first skill is also an huge Cone AoE damage in three rounds).

She's also a wand user, so her Skill Damage Co-ability is quite good.
Furthermore, her Broken punisher are insane with worthy rivals or gales of beauty (or even sniper's allure).

Her damage output it's totally insane, and not she's not even similar to naveed. Naveed is essentially a "jack of all trades" but he doesn't shines at anything. Lucretia is an utility nuker with high damage options.