
Summon on this banner?

Hi, I am a new player and I wondered wether I should keep summoning on this banner. I currently have 1500 orbs and 1 tenfold ticket. This is what is have now but I would like to get Mikoto and Dragonyule Jeanne as well.

Asked by Legendary Eliwood5 years 4 months ago


Hmmm with 2 tenfold summons your chances of getting DY!Jeanne is only 10% and even lower for Mikoto since he's not a featured unit.

You could try if you really like DY!Jeanne, but I think the Vodyanoy you have is a great sub for Lily until you get Leviathan.

Lily and Maribelle is a GREAT start, I would start playing because you'll rack up A LOT of wyrmite from story/levels and so you can start getting ready for the New Years Event!!

I think we get another 10 fold from Cygames tomorrow so you could wait and see what the new year banner has; if you don't like it, summon on the Christmas one.

Oh nice! Didn't know that! Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Thank you for the quick response! I'm really enjoying the game!