
Event/Banner Unit Availability

I came in to the game part way through the Halloween event. I was curious if there's been any talk of returning events and/or if banner units are still available even after their banner has gone (eg: will I still be able to pull Naveed and Cerberus after the banner change)?

I've missed Celliera, Pele, and Paladyn Defender, for example, from the Loyalty's Requiem Raid.

I suspect the Halloween event will be an annual thing, and I'll know then if I can get Halloween Elisanne, Of Tricks and Treats, and Plunder Pals upon its (hopeful) return.

Asked by Lady Couerlyn5 years 5 months ago


I'm pretty sure you can still get the summons even if they came from the past banner. (eg. Lily, Naveed and Cerberus) But i doubt you can still get L.Elly except if Halloween banner will show up next year (if she's included again).

For better information you should check the First Encounters from the Summon tab. Every adventure that are on it are still available to be summon yet the rate are lower unlike when they're on their respective announced banner.

As for the Loyalty's Requiem Raid since they're not part of banner I think you can't get them. Except if Cygames would pull the same event over again ofcourse with the same rewards.

No Naveed and Cerberus will still be here since they are aren't seasonal units like H!Elisanne and these seasons include Halloween,Summer,Winter,Spring anything relating to it but H!Elly will come back next Halloween hope this answer your question.