
High Brunhilda Orsem

I want to beat High Brunhilda soon and it's SOOOO hard to even get to the desired HP threshold because I barely even reach the HP requirements and even if I did I afraid the other players will quit in the middle of a game because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do (Like how Orsem is supposed to bait fire breath) and if my might isn't enough or because my equipment is'nt strong enough. What are the things Orsem has to do for the team during HB?

Asked by DivineBlaze5 years 2 months ago


I'd join a Discord server (such as ours linked at the bottom of the page, the subreddit one, or any other with a co-op channel) and find people to do practice runs with. So far people have been pretty forgiving, it is a hard fight-- I went in before even finishing my weapon and altars.

Another thing that helped me with HMS is to start the battle solo, let my AI team die, and just practice moving and hitting around the boss. When you get a feel for the weapon's range and combo, attack timings, positioning, etc it becomes easier to stay alive and eventually bait attacks.

by xiguy 5 years 2 months ago

HBH is a hard fight, even more so for Orsem who has the role of baiting, meaning he has more to do and learn. As far as equipment goes, Orsem requires MUB DY!Jeanne, Leviathan or Vod as well as a 5* weapon. Kieramisu is correct in recommending you bring Orsem in solo to try and practice up to the first Hellfire, but you'll need a HP co-ab from a spear to do this. They're also correct in stating people are nice about it. Otherwise, joining a server is a good way to practice, I find smaller servers more comfortable personally.

What Orsem has to do is bait breaths, stay on HBH during split/stack, and bait meteors. Orsem is also responsible for positioning HBH after the 1st dash, either North or South depending on whether your party is doing "cancel" or "no-cancel" strategies. PUGs do no-cancel and bait south, generally. HBH generally targets the closest character for her attacks, so to bait, you just need to be attacking from the side you want her to attack. "cancelling" refers to "dive-cancel". For her dive attack, HBH targets the farthest character. If that character is out of range (positioned on the opposite side of the map) she will instead do a swipe in that character's direction rather than the dive. It allows dps to increase since she doesn't move, but requires a good Thaniel who can manage his heals.

For Orsem you have to have max circles, mub DJeanne/Leviathan, 0ub 5* water dagger.
As for facilities max altars and Yuletree while at least lv16 dojos.
And with all that you will need max node Xain otherwise you won't survive all the time

You do not need max nodes, you do not even technically need to promote Orsem, I've cleared multiple times with 4* Orsem who was not roulette.