
Is Ku Hai the gem of this banner?

I'm curious with this one, Lin You is cute but as cute as she is she's a Crit axe type, Axes are pretty slow but can dish out pretty nasty damage (Julietta Slayer strength + Cupid + Valiant Crown) right? but Lin You doesn't have Slayer's strength she depends entirely on crit ability and her second skill that buffs her attack rate and restores HP

Ku Hai on the other hand, sword combos can be pretty nasty, he has a crit rate buff and force strike buff with "Keen Blade and on top that also a Crit damage ability so i'm asking who would be the best to more so invest in, though Lin You is cute i'm not exactly feeling the "op" from her

Asked by ExoticColor5 years 3 months ago


by 3DEric 5 years 3 months ago

I have pulled just to Ku hai and in that tenfold pull i've got my 2nd wyrmprint of "Jewels of the sun" and Ku hai.

I would love to get a random Lin You or even that panda-drake, obviusly... But there aren't exactly "great" enough to lose future pulls.

Yeah he's definitely the gem of this banner what an insane Wind hero it's exactly what i've been missing i would love to get the dragon i feel that's the best one for him and i don't have Zephyr so i'm going to use that four* dragon, Ku Hai is a monster