
Which account to keep (New UK player)

I currently have 2 accounts which I'm considering keeping after rerolling, and was wondering which would be better in the long run.
Account A: Albert, The Shining Overlord, Julietta and three Lindworms
Account B: Odetta, The Shining Overlord, Xainfried, Vodyanoy
I like both Albert and Odetta for different reasons, but was wondering in the long term if Gilgamesh or Albert would serve me better really as I'm not sure if an MUB Lindworm is better than a base Gilgamesh. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Asked by DaPujjybear5 years 2 months ago


I'd say Account A just because there's more high rarity in there. Pulling more Lindworms is pretty easy, and Gilgamesh is still better IMO thanks to the Shadow Res. Strength percentages are pretty close with Lindworm having 30/45 and Gilgamesh having 35/50... so MUB Lindworm is better than base Gilgamesh, but only slightly.