
Who should I promote?

Hi, I have used an American apple ID to play this game before it was released in my country, but now it recently was released, so I got it on my phone and linked the old account so i could play it again after not really playing since the end of new years-ish. Well, basically I want some advice. I really like Valentines Ezelith and have started investing into her, hoping to eventually do HMS with her and I also really like Lowen ( don't have him yet ) and need better wind units. So which do you think I should promote? Ezelith or wait until I get Lowen then promote him? The other that isn't picked first would probably be my next target. Thanks!

Asked by DylanIsAMuffin5 years 2 months ago


Tbh, I’d wait for Lowen if you don’t have any unit that could be used in High Mercury when it comes out. Lowen is the best wind healer and mostly likely he’ll be a must have in High Mercury, unless a better wind healer is released.

V!Ezelith is a very good unit, but since she’s a ranged unit, you’ll need to do a lot of investment on her and will probably need a Vanessa on the team if you want to do HMS.

Other than that, both are great units and you’ll be fine promoting either one of them :)