
Divine Tempest

Lvl 1 Deals damage to surrounding enemies, applies a burst gambit called "Amaterasu's Resilient Burst," and partially fills the user's dragondrive gauge. If this skill is used during dragondrive, it will deal damage to surrounding enemies, apply Amaterasu's Resilient Burst, and inflict poison and stormlash. When Amaterasu's Resilient Burst is activated, it will increase the entire team's water resistance.
Lvl 2 Deals damage to surrounding enemies, applies a burst gambit called "Amaterasu's Resilient Burst," and partially fills the user's dragondrive gauge. If this skill is used during dragondrive, it will deal damage to surrounding enemies, apply Amaterasu's Resilient Burst, and inflict poison and stormlash. When Amaterasu's Resilient Burst is activated, it will increase the entire team's water resistance.

Adventurers with Skill