
Should I summon?

Hi, everybody. I'm new to this community, but I've been playing FE Heroes for a while now. I wanted to ask whether I should summon on the anniversary banner or not since it's about to end. I pulled a +res/-def Legendary Azura on my free summon, and she was the only one I really wanted. I'm tempted to continue summoning to possibly get another copy of her, my first Legendary Lyn, or my first Duma. My only reason to summon is that I'm not sure if I'll ever get such a good chance to summon for those three again. Besides that I don't really want either Lyn or Duma, and I don't know what reason there is to have more than one Azura (not looking to fodder her). Duma does look really powerful though, but I tend not to pull for heroes for that reason. I have 389 orbs, and I'm leaning towards saving more because there are certain heroes that I want (about 5 or 6), but I don't know. I'm f2p by the way.

Asked by Anmol5 years 2 months ago


Dont bother with summoning on anything except legendary banners unit you have at least 50 different nat 5 units, after that you should have an idea of what you want to do.


Oh, I have 119 5* units right now excluding merges but including multiple copies of the same character and free units such as the Tempest Trials ones. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


by Xenos 5 years 3 months ago

Azura has the B Duel flying skill, so that's her main SI. Unless you plan on building flier emblem or using her on an arena team, I don't see why you need more merges.

You're right about whether you'll have a good chance at summoning Azura and Duma (and Lyn) again, since they only appear on the 8% banners. If you want any one of those, sniping one color on this banner gives you better chances than on the 8% banner.


I'm not really sure about building a flier team. It's definitely sonething I'll want to do eventually; but right now, as far as flier teams are concerned, I'm more concerned about getting more copies to +10 Cordelia. Azura's B Duel skill could be useful for her, but I don't know if I should be looking that far into the future right now, but at the same time, I feel like I should be since chances of getting her now are higher than ever before. I might do Cherche after as a green flier or Camilla, but I have very few copies of Camilla. Beruka could also work, but I haven't really looked into her. As a red flier, I have Laegjarn who I like; but merging would be hard. I'm also probably going to summon for S!Tana and S!Tiki when they come back but again, merges... As for Arena, I haven't really thought about it in a long time; but I'm not sure how I would integrate a refresher anyway. Three would be for covering the color triangle, and one would be bonus unit. I'm not sure how successful L!Azura would be for covering reds since she's primarily support.

Yeah, probability of getting them here is higher than on legendary banners which is why I'm conflicted especially about L!Azura. The others I was just thinking about because of the chances; otherwise I would probably care less.


Welcome to the community!
All of the legendary heroes will come back eventually in different legendary banners, however you are more likely to be pity broken by on of the other two in the focus. All in all, the legendary banners can get you really useful units (or fodder) but you can’t really snipe units. If you really want to merge your L!Azura, I would go for the anniversary banner. However support units don’t really need to be merged to be useful. I know you didn’t mention her, but H!Myrrh will also be in a legendary banner relatively soon and seasonal units come back around the time of year that they were released.
Sorry if this was a little long, but I hope it helps in your decision making. May RNGesus watch over you.


Thanks! And no, your answer wasn't long at all; it's a lot shorter than my question, and I'm happy you took the time to answer it thoroughly.

The problem with sniping on legendary banners is primarily the reason I was considering summoning on this banner. The chances of getting the two legendary and one mythic heroes are a lot higher here.

I was thinking about merging L!Azura, but I don't see the point in merging a support unit either. Besides, a def flaw (or bane, not sure what people use here now) for her doesn't doesn't seem worth a single merge. I'm thinking about making a +10 Cordelia, but I'm not sure if can bring myself to fodder off L!Azura for her Duel skill if I ever get seriously involved in Arena again (I haven't played that mode in forever though I should since there are so many orbs I can get from there; I'm just stuck at Tier 19; it got too stressful XD).

I didn't mention H!Myrrh because I already have two (I wanted one and got pity broken by the other trying to get H!Mia. It's a pretty decent pity breaker though; it gives me the potential to have a +atk H!Myrrh with no flaw if I decide to merge which I probably will). I also didn't mention her because the chances of getting her here are just as high as during the Halloween banner later on in the year.

As for whether your reply helped me, it definitely did. I'm leaning more and more toward not summoning and saving orbs.


I wouldn't recommend it bro, the anniversary banner is more for veterans who have fully built teams who are trying to make their teams better, or for people trying to +10 a specific unit from the banner.


I have neither of those things XD. I have plenty of 5*'s (119 right now. I know a lot of people have more than that, but it's not too bad, I think) but very few of them are actually built meaning very few viable teams. I'm just lazy when it comes to building characters, and I highly doubt I'm going to +10 any of these heroes since they're all 5* exclusives, and +10ing a 5* exclusive as an f2p player is kinda hard. Thanks though, I'm most likely going to be skipping due to what you and everybody else has said so far. Well, I guess that's good: I can save more orbs.


by Seeker 5 years 3 months ago

My recommendations:
- don't summon for Lyn unless you're merging. She's not THAT important as a unit and spd tactic is likely to appear before too long on a GHB or TT unit. But I'm not convinced she's worth merging. She will reappear on an 8% banner with other units you will want to summon, and you won't be getting the right price if you already have her.
- same for Duma. If you want bold fighter fodder, there are better prices (ex: H.Kagero is almost certainly returning in about 30 days with a new mythic and someone else good, possibly even Lewyn)
- don't summon for L.Azura unless you're dead set on merging her to +10 (in which case I warn you that points aren't worth chasing) or you already have L.Lucina and don't want another. Those two are both on the mythic banner in about 30 days
- don't summon here for any unit you're not trying to merge. You're getting bad prices from this banner, and as such, it is not a good opportunity to summon for these units.


I'm don't think I want to merge any of these units to +10. Taking your and everybody else's advice, I think I'm going to skip this banner. I think you're right in saying that it's better to wait for a legendary or mythic banner with one of these units and others of the same color that I want. That way, if I summon on a particular banner, there's a higher chance of getting someone I actually want. Of course, sniping for a particular character is harder on those banners, but, if there are multiple characters that I like, I might not have to snipe to get someone I like. But then, how do you choose to summon on a banner for a certain character or just wait for a legendary/mythic banner with that character? And also, what if the desired character comes back on a legendary/mythic banner with other unwanted characters. Then, would it have been better to summon on the original banner? I wasn't really looking for bold fighter fodder in Duma but more for his own strength. Also going back to the questions I already asked, wouldn't it cost more to snipe for H!Kagero on that mythic banner if all I'm looking for is bold fighter fodder? Granted that Lewyn and that new mythic are/will be valuable in their own ways, but what if I, hypothetically speaking, just want bold fighter fodder or H!Kagero as a character? I kinda get L!Lyn; she doesn't seem valuable enough (no offence) to snipe for on this banner so I'm better off summoning on a legendary/mythic banner which contains her and other units I want. But if I really wanted L!Lyn just because I like her as a character, then would it be better to summon here since the chance of getting her on a legendary/mythic banner is lower? I already have L!Lucina, but I'm not sure if I want another. I'm not disgusted at the idea or anything, but I'm not sure if it would be valuable. I really like both Lucina and Azura so I might summon depending on who the last unit is. Sorry if this is oddly long and for adding a question to every sentence. I'm just genuinely confused and would appreciate more information regaring when it is best to summon. Having said that, thanks for replying in the first place and giving me an idea of what I should do regarding this banner.


by Anmol 5 years 3 months ago

I thought I should probably give an update on what I decided to do since only an hour remains until the end of the banner and that is to not summon and continue saving orbs. So thanks for the advice, everybody!
